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My Favorite Sweater

by Bonnie Highsmith Taylor

My favorite sweater grew too small.

I love that sweater best of all.

My grandma made it when I was three.

She made that sweater just for me.

I picked the yarn (纱线), a special blue.

The color of bluebells, wet with dew(露珠)


When I was three I was very small.

But now I’m five and much too tall.

I have a new jacket now that’s green.

So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.

Queen just had kittens out in the shed (小屋).

My favorite sweater is now their bed. 英语试卷 第 5 页 ?共 10 页? 51. Who is the writer of the poem?

A. The grandma. B. Miss Taylor. C. Mrs. Taylor. D. Queen

52. The girl in this poem is years old now.

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

53. Whose name is Queen?

A. The girl’s B. Her grandma’s C. Her mother’s D. The cat’s

54. What color is the girl’s new jacket?

A. Green. B. Blue. C. Red. D. Purple.

55. The word “kitten” in this poem most probably means .

A. a kind of food B. a baby cat C. a kind of drink D. a bed for a baby


