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1. This is ____ lesson, so I don't know all your names.

A. our first    B. our the first    C. the our first    D. the first our

2. -How many students are there in your school?

-There are over__________students in our school.

A. two thousands          B. two thousands of

C. two thousand           D. two thousand of

3.__________ visitors from Australia will come to Visit China next week.

A. Two hundreds           B.A hundred of

C.  Hundreds of            D. Three hundreds of

4. __________ of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet.

A. Two-third      B. Second-third      C. Two-thirds     D. Second-thirds

5.Wu Dong won the girl's __________ race in the school sports meeting last week.

A. 100 meters    B.100-metres    C.100 metre    D.100-metre

6.The homework for today is to write __________ composition about your father.

A. a five hundred word          B. a five-hundred-words

C. a-five-hundred-word          D. a five-hundred-word

7.She has a __________ daughter.

A. six-years-old    B. six-year-old    C. six year old    D. six years old

8.__________ is the most difficult of __________.

A. Lesson Eight... Book Three                     B. The lesson eight...the book three

C. The eighth lesson…the three…book          D. The…eight lesson…the third book

9.It will take them __________ to finish the course.

A. one and a half year's time          B. a year and a half's time

C. a year and a half of time            D. a year and a half time

10. (改错)This story  took place  in the 1950.

A              B               C





