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据《墨尔本日报》报道,1月14日《墨尔本日报》头版整版刊登了一则“给儿书”:爸妈再也不逼你结婚了,今年回家过年吧。 据悉,一位远在中国的慈母通过各种方式联系到《墨尔本日报》诚心刊登这条消息劝儿回家过年,慈母之心令人唏嘘。

A woman has written a full-page apology on the front page of the Chinese Melbourne Daily, promising not to urge her son to marry.

The letter on the local Chinese issue of Tuesday reads, "Peng, I called you many times and you did not pick up. Maybe you can see it here. Your father and I will never urge you to marry anymore. Please come back to spend Spring Festival with us. Your loving mother."

The woman lives in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, said a man asked by the mother to help her publish the ad. The son works in Australia and has ignored repeated requests to return to China and marry.

"They decided to let it go and not urge him anymore," the man told news website news.21.com.

"They just hope their son can be safe and go back for Spring Festival.

"Family reunion is the most important thing. Marriage cannot be forced."

everyday is another day。珍惜时光,在准备2014青海海东中考复习的过程中,小编希望您每天都能有所进步与收获,每天都是新的一天。更多资讯请持续关注精品学习网

