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Some people prefer to make friends with people who are very like them; others prefer friends who are very different. E  66   of the two kinds of friendship has something better than the other. If a man chooses a friend s  67   to himself, they will share many c  68   interests. They also have similar goals in life. This m  69   that they will be able to help and encourage each other to make their goals come true. Moreover, two people who are very similar will feel happy with each other and may understand each other’s f  70   better. So their friendship may be deeper and last longer.

On the other hand, it is preferable (更可取的) to make friends with s  71   who is very different from you. In this kind of friendship, the two people complement each other. If one is w  72  , the other is strong. While two people with similar goals may compete with each other, those who want different things can always support each other. With different interests, they can let each other know new e  73   and so widen their knowledge.

However, I find that I prefer the f  74   kind of friendship,  that of a person who is more like me than unlike me. A friend different fro m me is challenging (有挑战性的), b  75   a similar friend is familiar and a friend for life.

66.              67.              68.              69.               70.

71.              72.              73.               74.               75.


A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)


76. 我们英语老师在这所学校已工作十年了。

77. 你知道这些书是否可以在网上订购吗?

78. 没有必要每天早上六点钟就叫醒孩子。

79. 直到老师给予帮助,他才知道怎样解决这一问题。

80. 据说乘公交车去新机场只要半个多小时。





