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My husband and I were talking about possible colors because it was time for painting the kitchen again. The children, sat nearby and suddenly   16  , “Not the measuring (测量) stick !”

The measuring stick isn’t a real stick but the kitchen side of the door between our kitchen and dining room. Along the edge we have   17  each child’s growth by making a mark  18   his or her height on every birthday. Over the ten years so many colored pens, pencils and markers were   19   that the door came to be   20   like a painting.

Names and dates show different hand-writing, and I can   21   by the script (手迹) who measured whom. An eight-year-old brother measured her three-year-old sister, a grandchild measured her grandmother, my husband measured   22  . At parties, when this door swings, friends stop to   23   the names and date. When we ask   24   they would like to be immortalized (不灭), they usually had a smile.

Many of these listed on the door are still   25   while some have stopped. Some  26  with us only in memory. When my mother came to see our eldest daughter graduated from university, we   27   her, too. It was her last visit to our home.

We haven ’t decided on the new kitchen   28   plan yet, but one thing is   29  : Whether we paint the trim curry gold, Chowning’s Tavern red or Federal blue, the back of the kitchen door will be always   30   with lots of names and dates in various colors

题号 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


.16. A. told B. expressed C. shouted D. ordered

17. A. celebrated B. encouraged C. recorded D. congratulated

18. A. giving B. keeping C. cutting D. showing

19. A. made B. taken C. used D. written

20. A. very B. unclearly C. much D. clearly

21. A. tell B. understand C. know D. think

22. A. his family B. me C. his friend D. my sister

23. A. find B. notice C. read D. see

24. A. why B. if C. how D. what

25. A. changing B. adding C. putting D. growing

26. A. stay B. remain C. live D. work

27. A. loved B. welcomed C. measured D. saw

28. A. color B. form C. design D. size

29. A. known B. popular C. certain D. endless

30. A. red B. blue  C. gold  D. white




