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Teenagers were enjoying exercise with their jumping shoes at the People's Square of Guiyang, on Dec. 8, 2008. The jumping shoes became popular among teenagers after they were used in the performance of the Beijing Olympic closing ceremony.An eatable Christmas card , which is made from potato starch(淀粉)paper and printed with food coloring instead of ink, has been designed by a British company to try to be as "green " as possible. The cards came out quite well last Christmas Day. They're not very tasty but the company will do flavoured ones this year.

Li Tongzhu , a 64-year-old retired (退休的)man,finished his paper-cut work of " Riverside Scenes at the Qingming Festival " in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province in December, 2008. Li had spent 7 months finishing the 3. 10-metrlong paper-cut work.

Alison Spooner, a 27-yearold white woman, and her husband Den' Durant, a 33-year-old black man, are a mixed-race British couple. They had their second black and white twins in November, 2008. Their first black and white twins were born in 2001.36 The jumping shoes became popular among ______.A. retired people B. teenagers C. British people D. mixed-race couples37. "Riverside Scene t the Qingming Festival " by Li Tongzhu is a ______.A. book B. photo C. paper-cut work D. card38. The eatable card shows that there are many ways to make a difference to ______.A lifestyles B. festivals C. the environment D. meals39. How many black and white twins does the mixed-race couple have?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.40. Li Tongzhu began his paper-cut work of "Riverside Scenes at the Qingming Festival " _____A. in December, 2008 B. in July, 2008 C. in November, 2008 D. in May, 2008





