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Come on !同学们,一起来看2016洛阳中考英语模拟,中考是一个实现人生的省力杠杆,此时是你撬动它的最佳时机,并且以后你的人生会呈弧线上升。



1. Xiao Ming is ______ honest boy from the countryside and he is now studying in ______ university in Guangzhou.

A. an, a    B. a, the   C. a, a   D. an, an

2. — I am very hungry and thirty after a day’s work.

— Would you like some _______ and _______ ?

A. sandwiches, orange juice    B. sandwich, orange juices

C. sandwiches, orange juices    D. sandwich, orange juice

3. — What about these two coats, madam?

— ______ of them fits me well. Could you show me _______ one?

A. Either, other  B. Neither, another  C. Either, else  D. Both, the other

4. — How is it going with your new project?

— After a _______ working, we have finished _______ of the whole work.

A. four – day, three – fourth   B. four hours, three – fourths

C. four – day, three – fourths   D. four hours’, three – four

5.  Betty goes to learn how to play the violin every afternoon _____ Saturday and Sunday. She does the housework on these two days.

A. on             B. besides    C. except    D. from

6. — How are you going to help the children from poor families?

— We are going to______ some money for them to build a new school.

A. waste    B. count   C. throw   D. raise

7. — How do you like this film ?

— I don’t like it. It’s ________ the one I saw last week.

A. as interesting as     B. less interesting than

C. more interesting than          D. so interesting as

8. — ______ have you been in the English corner?

— Since the first term I became a junior school student.

A. How old  B. How soon   C. How long   D. How often

9. The soup tastes ________ because it’s too salty. I put salt into it too _______ in a hurry.

A. terribly, carefully        B. terrible, carefully

C. terribly, carelessly    D. terrible, carelessly

10. — I'm very tired these days preparing for the test.

— Why not ____some music? It can help you ______.

A. listen to, relax          B. to listen to, to relax

C. listening to, relax        D. listen,  to relax

11. — Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting ______ on time?

— It’s hard to say. It depends on the weather. If it ______ tomorrow, we’ll have to put it off.

A. will hold, rains         B. will be held, rains

C. will be held, will rain      D. holds, will rain

12. — Jack, could you help me _______ when the plane will take off on the Internet?

— I am sorry. My computer doesn’t work.

A.find out     B.look for          C.look out       D.look over

13. — Excuse me, has the film ______ yet?  — Yes. It _______ for about ten minutes.

A. started, has started    B. been on, started

C. started, has been on     D. been on, has started

14. — How was your climbing Mount Tai?

— I didn’t believe I could do it ________ I got to the top.

A. until   B. while      C. after   D. when

15. — Listen! Someone is knocking at the door. Who _______ it be?

— It ________ be John. He phoned to visit me a moment ago.

A. may, may  B. may, shouldn’t  C. must, can  D. can, must

16. — Dad, what do you think of the picture I drew?

— ________ ! It’s the nicest one that I have ever seen.

A. What beautiful     B. How terrible

C. How wonderful     D. What wonderful picture

17. Not only my father but also my grandpa ______ looking forward to ______ to Singapore this weekend.

A. is, fly   B. are, fly   C. is, flying   D. are, flying

18. We all like the story about the boy ______ happened in our neighborhood(街坊) last week.

A. who    B. what       C. whom    D. which

19. — Is there anything else you want to know about China?

— Yes, I am still wondering _________.

A. how is the Chinese paper cut made

B. why the Chinese people like to play the dragon dance(舞龙)

C. how was the Great Wall built in ancient time

D. why do the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival

20. — Excuse me, can I park my car here , sir?  —______. You see, there’s much traffic here.

A. Never mind   B. You’d better not   C. Of course not   D. Yes, please

