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Diseases that can be carried from one person to another are called infections. ___1___ do such diseases go round? Some diseases go round in one way,some in ___2___. For example, the germs that make you catch cold can travel ___3___ one person to another with a cough. They are breathed in with the air. That is why it is important to stay ___4___ people when you have a cold. It is a good idea to stay away from people who have cold, too. What seems to be a ___5___ may be the beginning of some more serious diseases.

Germs ___6___ from one person to another in many ways. For example, some diseases ___7___ by insects, such as flies and mosquitoes(蚊子). Larger animals can also carry diseases. People ___8___ get flu from chicken, pigeons, birds, dogs and cats. And ___9___ from Guozili. At one time many people got tuberculosis(肺结核) by drinking milk from cows that had the diseases. It is ___1___ to drink milk from cows that has a mad disease.

1. A. How B. WhyC. When D. Where

2. A. other B. the otherC. another D. others

3. A. atB. inC. fromD. with

4. A. inB. fromC. withD. among

5. A. coldB. coughC. feverD. headache

6. A. is traveling B. will travel C. has traveledD. travel

7. A. carry B. carriedC. are carriedD. have carried

8. A. can B. mustC. needD. have to

9. A. tuberculosis B. bird flu C. AIDSD. SARS

10. A. importantB. necessaryC. interestingD. vital


1. A。该题测试疑问副词的用法,用科学推理法。从下句“有些以某种方式传播,有些以另外的一种方式传播”足能推测到该句的意思是“这些疾病如何传播”.

2. C。该题测试代词的用法。从句子的意思“一种……,另一种……”就能确定要选表示“另一”意思的代词,这样就可以排除首尾两个选项;the other指仅有两种传播方式,这显然与实际不符,也要被排除。

3. C。“从一个人传给另一个人”要用连词词组from…to… 来表示。

4. B。当你患了感冒时,与别人呆在一起,就有可能把感冒病毒传给别人,因此,in, with, among 都不能被选。

5. A。上面几句谈的都是感冒问题,本句应该是对“感冒”这一疾病的总结。

6. D。“细菌能以许多方式从一个人传给另一个人”属客观事实,因此要用一般现在时。

7. C。疾病不会自己传播,需要借助昆虫、苍蝇、蚊子等才能传播,因此,疾病作主语时要用被动语态。

8. A。动物传染给人类疾病,只是有可能性,不是“一定”被传染,更不是人类“需要”被传染,因此,只能选表示有某种可能性的情态动词can。

9. D。这是一道常识题。众所周知,SARS是由果子狸这种动物传染的。

10. D。这也是一道常识题。喝了患有疯牛病的牛产的奶是“致命的”,而不是“有趣的”,更不是“重要的”和“必要的”。


