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2019-08-12 11:17:00



How Can We Protect Ourselves at School?

School bullies happen in almost every school. In my school we sometimes have bullies and some students are hurt, so it is really bad for us to bully others or be bullied at school.

We are supposed to stop any school bully when we are in the trouble of it. For example, we should stay calm before a bullying behavior happens. We should always be friendly and helpful when making friends with others. Here are some of my ideas about stopping school bullies. Firstly, we will learn how to have a self-protection because our personal safety is the most important. Secondly, we should be peaceful with others at all times and can't have any violent behavior. Finally, obeying school rules is also a way to avoid school bullies.

I'm hoping that no school bullies will happen at school in the future ,do you think so?

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