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Spring tide even the sea level, the sea moon tide! All-round reunion, blessing with your voice. On this Lantern Festival, I sincerely wish you and your family good health, work well, family happiness, happy Lantern Festival!

2. 尝一口友情的美酒,握一把祝福的双手,元宵的好运跟随你走,愿你财源广进最永久,人缘通达众皆口,好运佳缘为你守,伴你快乐无烦忧,朋友,祝你元宵快乐。

Taste the wine of friendship, hold the hand of a blessing, the good luck of the Lantern Festival follows you, may your wealth be the most permanent, the popularity of the public are all the mouth, good fortune for you to keep, with you happy no worries, friends, I wish Happy Lantern Festival

3. 每年的这个时候,都是一个全新的开始,任世事变幻,时光流转,幸福,平安,快乐,健康永远伴随你左右。祝元宵节快乐!

This time of year, this is a brand new beginning. With any change of world, time flows, happiness, peace, happiness and health are with you forever. Happy Lantern Festival!

4. 纯洁的冬天悄然流逝,多变的永远是天气,不变的永远是情意;愿淡淡的寒气,轻拂您过去一年的疲惫,飒飒的北风,传递我衷心的祝福:元宵节快乐!

Pure winter quietly passing, changing forever is the weather, the same will always be affection; is willing to faint cold, flick over the past year of exhaustion, rustling the north wind, to convey my heartfelt wishes: Happy Lantern Festival!

5. 没有耕耘就没有收获,没有失落就没有得意,朋友,成长路上,如果有眼泪,请擦干,如果有希望,请期待,因为,我会陪伴着你,走过严冬,迎来新春,祝你元宵快乐!

If you have any tears, please wipe it out. If there is hope, please wait, because I will accompany you, walk through the winter and welcome the new year, I wish you Happy Lantern!

6. 每一天每一年每一份思念常留心间,每扇窗每个人每一次遇见都是缘,珍惜感恩让美好常伴你我身边!元宵来临之际,祝你元宵快乐!

Every day every year miss every thoughtful heart, every window every time everyone met are marginal, cherish Thanksgiving so often with you and me! Lantern Festival is approaching, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

7. 正月十五好日子,幸福团圆喜呵呵,开心快乐喜事多,财源滚滚不嫌多,身体健康好事多,吉祥如意祝福多,大吉大利运气旺,祝元宵节快乐!

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, happiness rejoices at a happy hour, happy happy joyous event, financial resources billowing too much, good health and good fortune and good fortune and blessings, good fortune luck, wish the Lantern Festival is happy!

8. 朋友,即使是电池没电了我也豁出去,即使电磁辐射了我也要坚持,即使短信堵塞了我也要尝试,元宵节我一定要送出我最真心的祝福给你,给你的家人,元宵节快乐!

Friends, even if the battery is dead, I also fight it out, even if the electromagnetic radiation, I have to insist, even if the message is blocked I have to try, the Lantern Festival I have to send my most sincere wishes to you, to your family, Lantern Festival Happy holidays!

9. 这一刻,有我最深的思念,让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的元宵节。

At this moment, I have the deepest thoughts, let the cloud carry the full of blessings, embellishment of your sweet dreams, may you have a happy and happy Lantern Festival.

10. 你知道我多喜欢你吗?圆粉粉的小脸蛋,咧嘴就是那么甜蜜的笑容。真的好想在你脸上狠狠地吻下去,让你融入我的身体。阿!香甜的元宵。

Do you know how much I like you? Small face powder, grin is so sweet smile. Really want to kiss in your face fiercely, let you into my body. Ah! Sweet Lantern.

11. 新年到,元宵闹,蹦到锅里搅一搅;馅香溢,福满多,包出新春好味道。喜气扬,福气冒,合家团圆乐陶陶。你一颗,我一颗,品出兔年好味道!

New Year, Lantern Festival downtown, bouncing stir-fried pot; filling overflowing, Fuk Man, wrapped in a good spring taste. Xiqi Yang, blessing to take, family reunion happy Tao Tao. You, me, a good taste of the Year of the Rabbit!

12. 元宵节到了!朋友,我对你的思念,就像这元宵一样,塞得鼓鼓的,捏得圆圆的,煮在锅里沸了,盛在碗里满了,含在嘴里,呀,太甜了。

Lantern Festival arrived! My friend, I miss you, just like the Lantern Festival, stuffed, round, boiled in a boiling pot, filled in a bowl full, in my mouth, ah, too sweet .

13. 送你一碗圆圆汤圆,以幸福、快乐为馅,用开心久久包围,用团圆来熏陶,以吉祥为汤水,在好运上慢慢熬制,只为在元宵佳节送你,愿你幸福一生安康!

Give you a bowl of round rice balls, with happiness and happiness as stuffing, surrounded by happy for a long time, nurtured with reunion, auspicious as soup, slowly brewed in good luck, just to send you in the Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness Life is healthy!



