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【第6单元The United States of America知识点】

1. Atlanta is known as the “Big Apple”. 亚特兰大以“大苹果”为人们所熟知。(p.41 Ex.1 No.3)

★ be known as 作为……而有名气

▲ known as, known by, known for 与 known to be known as 以……而知名,著称;be known be by 意为根据(按照)…得知(较少用),be known for 因…而众所周知,表示之所以被众人所知的 be 原因或特征,for 后面常跟抽象动词;be known to 则意为“为…所知”,仅仅表示“大家都知 be 道”指某个地方或某一范围的人知道。

例如:A man is known by the company he keeps. 看 其交友可知其人。She was well-known as an excellent dancer. 她作为一名优秀的舞蹈家而 闻名。He's known for his readiness to help others. 他乐于助人是非常闻名的。 He’s known to the police as a thief. 警察都知道他是个小偷。 辨析:know 辨析 know 与 recognize know 指“知道”可表示“认识”,也可表示熟悉,了解事物。recognize 指“认出,认识, 承认”。例如: I don't know the star but I know of him. 我不认识这位明星,但我听说 过。I recognized his voice in the dark. 黑暗中我听出了他的声音。

2. Why do you think Ellis Island was turn into a museum? 你认为为什么 Ellis 岛变成 了博物馆? 了博物馆? (p. 42 Listening Ex.3 No. 1)

★turn into 的用法 turn

▲turn 既可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词,作及物动词时,turn... into…意为 “把……变成……”。

如: ① I'm thinking of turning the flower garden into a vegetable field. 我正在考虑把花园改成菜地。② We can turn a liquid into a gas. 我们能使 液体变成气体。 ③ Can you turn this passage into English? 你能把这个短文译成英语吗? ▲turn 作不及物动词时, 意为“变成”“译成”。 ① He has turned into nice boy after 如: all. 他到底变成了一个不错的小伙子。② Jane is turning into quite a skilled musician. 简正成长为一个训练有素的音乐家。③ Shakespeare's plays are difficult to turn into any other language. 莎士比亚的戏剧译成其他语言是困难的。

3. There is a lot of history connected with people settling in the USA. 有一段悠久 的历史与在美国定居的人有关。

★connect ... with ... 的历史与在美国定居的人有关。(p. 42 Listening Ex.3 B) connect connect...with...意为“连接”“使有关系”。如:① This road connects Beijing with Tianjin.这条公路连接北京和天津。② The early bus from the village connects with the 8:30 train.村里开出的早班公共汽车可与 8 点 30 分开出的火车接上。③ The visit of the police was not connected with the lost child. 警察这次来访与失踪的孩子无关。④ Mr Thompson has been connected with our company since 1990.汤普森先生自 1990 年以来就与 我公司有联系。⑤ It's natural to connect Australia with kangaroo.把澳大利亚与袋鼠联 系在一起很自然。 ⑥ The police did not connect him with the murder.警方没有想到他 与凶杀案有关。⑦ We usually connect spring with sunshine and flowers. 通常一提起春 天我们就联想到阳光和鲜花。

【注】动词 join 也有“连接”之意,与介词 to 连用,与 connect...with...作 “连接”解 时同义。如:Sometimes the needles are joined to electric wires. 有时把针和电线连接起来。


