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"What was that?" The farmer asked about the sound. The little Klaus thought  for a moment and said, "The little juggler in my bag asked us to look in the  fireplace." The farmer looked into the fireplace and shouted out loudly, "Oh,  it's strange! There is delicious food in the fireplace!"

After having the delicious food and wine with the little Klaus, the farmer  said, "I want to see a devil. Why don't you ask the juggler?" The little Klaus  stepped on the bag again, and said, "He said there is one devil with the  appearance of a priest in that box."

   The farmer was surprised when he opened the box as the small Klaus had told  him to do. "Oh my! It is true that there is a devil with the appearance of a  priest in the box!" The farmer asked the little Klaus for a favor earnestly.  "Please give me your bag and the juggler in it. I will give you a package of  gold coins for it." "If you really want it. Ok, I will." "Instead, take that box  and the devil away for me."

