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精编小学英语阅读:The Shadow



In a tropical region, everything grew really fast. Fortunately, the scholar's shadow grew a lot in a week.

Then, one evening. Someone visited the scholar. "Who is it? Please come in." A well-dressed gentleman came into his house. "Excuse me, but have we meet before?" The gentleman answered. "Don't you recognize me? Well, I guess you've never imagined that I would show up in front of you with this kind of look. I have been enjoying my own life very much since I left you." "Then, you must be." "That's right! I am your shadow." "How amazing! How can this happen? And how are you doing?"

   "I will tell you everything. But promise me one thing before I tell my story. Don't you ever tell anyone that I used to be your shadow." "I promise!"

