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五年级听力 read and write



英语不仅出现在课堂里,它已经融入到了整个社会中,成为人类生活中不可缺少的一部分,特此精品学习网为大家整理了五年级听力 read and write,敬请同学们关注!!


1. It's spring now.

2. A: What's the weather like in fall?  B: It's windy.

3. It often snows in winter. We can make a snowman.

4. I like summer, because we have a long holiday.

5. A: What season is it?   B: It's spring.

Read and Write

二、听录音,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误。对的打"√", 错的打"×"。(本短文读三遍,每遍之间停留2秒。听录音之前,你有10秒钟的时间阅读题目,短文听完后,你有10秒钟的答题时间。)

The weather in Shanghai is not always good. Spring is very beautiful. It is not very hot. It is not very cold, but we have a lot of rain in spring. In summer it is very hot. Fall is the best season. The days are clear and dry and it is sunny and warm all the time. In winter it is often cold and wet.We can go up north. We can play in the snow. But I don't like it, it's too cold for me.

由精品学习网为您提供的五年级听力 read and write,希望给您的英语带来帮助!





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