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b. 老师发令,学生一起做动作,玩转身游戏来操练词组turn left、turn right 、go straight;

4. 学习与操练:

a. 通过How can I get to the door / window …?句型对turn left, turn right ,go straight 进行现场运用,直观易掌握,在操练中老师做示范,特意直走不停下来,使学生很快能够想到课文里的句子for five minutes,从而说出go straight for 5 seconds 的句子。操练句子引出本课时句型:How can I get to the museum ?

b. 板书turn left、turn right、go straight并画出方向箭头,显示出指南针图,从而教授south 、east 、 west 、 north。

c. 老师以本人为参照物,左右手作出手势,带领学生操练方位词

d.出示中国地图巩固句型west /east /south /northof …(place),并进行爱国教育。Point to the map of China and ask.

T:Do you love China ?

Ss: Yes!

T: I love China ,I love the cities of China. I know Beijing is the capital of China , I know Shanghai is the biggest city in China.How about you ? Look at the map of China , and talk about it .


