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小学苏教版五年级英语上学期Unit3 第一课时教案范文



编写教案要依据教学大纲和教科书。从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。下面是为大家精编的五年级英语上学期Unit3 第一课时教案范文,供大家参考。


二、单元:Unit 3

三、课题:At a Music lesson


五、教学内容: 单元Part A H


1. 掌握单词、词组:sing, dance, music, lesson,

2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Let’s sing … first. Listen to …, please. Now, follow me, please. Let’s start/begin. Let’s sing it together.

七、教学难点:初步了解掌握句型: Can you…? Yes, I/we can. No, I/we can’t. What can you do? I can …

 第二部分 教学过程


T: Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. 很高兴能和大家一起学习Unit 3 At a Music lesson.

首先,老师想知道你们都会些什么。老师会问:What can you do? 你会做什么?你可以回答:I can… 我会… 如果你会打棒球,就可以告诉老师:I can play baseball. 如果你会弹吉他,就可以告诉老师:I can play the guitar. 下面我们来看看这两句话是怎么说的?Follow me请跟我读——What can you do? I can…


T: Hi,… What can you do?

S1: I can play basketball. (配合手势)

T: Good. Hello, … What can you do?

S2: I can play the violin. (配合手势)

T: Now, you can ask your classmates, please.


1. T: You are all very good, I think. You can play the violin and play the guitar at a Music lesson. 我们可以在音乐课上拉小提琴,弹吉他。这里有两个新单词,Read after me: Music, lesson

T: Good. Mr Green and his students are having a Music lesson. Please read and answer my questions.请你先试着读一读前言,找出这两个问题的答案。

Q1: What time is it now?

Q2: Where are the students?

T: The first question: What time is it now?(It is two o’clock in the afternoon.)

T: The second question: Where are the students?(They are in the Music room.)

T: Now, can you try to read it?

2. T: 通过这段话的学习,我们知道这篇课文谈论的是在音乐课上发生的事,老师想问一下: What can we do at a Music lesson? Yes, we can sing the song. Read after me: song

T: Good. Mr Green and his students are having a Music lesson.

T: 这里就有一些歌曲的名称,我们来看一看, read after me(带读歌曲名称) 你们会唱什么歌? What can you sing? 你可以把会唱的歌曲告诉老师: We can sing…

T: You can sing many songs, I think. What can they sing? Mr Green的学生们会唱什么歌呢?Please listen and find. 请看课文的短片,找出他们会唱的和不会唱的歌曲:

(They can sing________ and ________. They can’t sing________.)


T: OK. 你能填出来吗?

T: They can sing ‘In the classroom’ and ‘Colour song’.

They can’t sing ‘We can sing and dance’.他们会唱的歌曲是‘In the classroom’和 ‘Colour song’, 他们不会唱的歌名是什么呢?‘We can sing and dance’。这里有一个新单词dance Read after me: dance, sing and dance

T: Well done. 他们会唱‘In the classroom’, 你们会唱吗?Let’s sing ‘In the classroom’ first.

我们也来唱这首歌吧。先来看这句话是怎么说的。Read after me: Let’s sing ‘In the classroom ’ first. OK. Let’s sing it together. ( 播放歌曲)

