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(人教版新起点)小学四年级英语上册:Unit 7 Jobs第六课时教案



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教学难点:Part C /ow/在不同单词中的发音。





1.The student on duty report and try to sing in lead.

2.Review the vocabularies and sentences about jobs and wordplaces.

Read the words of Unit7 by flashing cards.

3.Act the story of last lesson in the class.

Step 3 Presentation

1.Show the teaching picture, ask them to talk about the pictures in groups.

Try to speak out their jobs and workplaces.

2.Listening. Play the tape for the students to listen and number. When finish one sentence, have a pause,

After finishing all, have a check. Check each other in class.

Step 4 Let’s talk and write

Let the students say the sentences.

Work in groups after the model. At last .fill in the chart.

Step 5Read the letter and tick or cross

1.Let the students read the letter. Then listen to the tape.

2.Read in groups. At last,Tick or cross.

Step 6Write a letter back

First, make a model. Then fill in the blanks with the information of their own families. At last ,communicate each other.

Step 7 Say and match

First let the students observe the pictures and then try to speak out the words. Then match, At last, check together.

Step 8Summary

In this unit we have learned something about jobs and workplaces. Try to master the words and can communicate

with the sentence patterns.

Step 9 Homework

1.Review the words of Unit7.

2.Write a passage about jobs of his/her family members

Step10The design of the writing


教学规划可以帮助教师理清教学思路,提高课堂效率。以上是为大家分享的四年级英语上册Unit 7 Jobs第六课时教案,希望能够切实的帮助到大家!

