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小学四年级上册英语Unit1 Period4教案范文(沪教版)



教案中教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法、板书设计、教学手段、教学时间等,都要经过周密考虑、精心设计,体现着很强的计划性。下面是为大家收集的四年级上册英语Unit1 Period4教案范文,供大家参考。

Content M1U1 Look and read Jill (P4) & Learn the sound (Period 4)

Aims 1. To use modelled sentences to describe a person’s likes. Eg. She likes reading.

2. To use the modal verb 慶an?to describe a person: ’s abilities. Eg. She can play basketball.

3. To identify the pronunciation of ‘-sk’ in words such as desk and mask. Eg. desk, mask.

Language focus 1. To use modelled sentences to describe a person’s likes. Eg. She likes reading.

2. To use the modal verb 慶an?to describe a personn:’s abilities. Eg. She can play basketball. Teaching aids Mutimedia, word cards, pictures… Procedures Step Teachers’ activity Students’ activity Purpose

Pre-task preparation 1. Say the rhyme of P6.

2. Daily talk.

Eg. What’s your/ his/ her name/ student number? How old …? Is your student number…? What can you do?

3. Play a game

T: He is tall and thin. He’s ten years old. His student number is 12. He can run. He likes singing. What’s his name? Say together.

Ask and answer.

3. Listen and guess.

Play the game in groups of four.



While-task procedure 1. To teach: He/ She lives near our school.

1) Show a map.

T: Where is our school? Where is your home?

To elicit: near our school

2) Teach: near

3) T: Where do you live? How do you go to school?

I live near our school.

I walk to school.( I go to school on foot every day.)

4) T: Where does XX live? How does he/ she go to school?

5) Show some pictures.

2. Teach: Look and read

1) Play the flash.

2) Show True or false.

3) Ask Ss to listen again and answer questions.

What is Kitty’s new classmate’s name? How old is she? Where does she live?

How does she go to school every day? What does she like doing? What can she do?

4) Show the whole passage.

5) Fill in the blanks.

Eg. We have a new _____. _____ name is Jill…

