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人教新起点四年级英语上册Unit1 lesson5教案



教案是教师为顺利、有效地开展教学活动而进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书,是上好一堂课的必备。下面是为大家收集的四年级英语上册Unit1 lesson5教案,供大家参考。

Lesson 5


2. 学生通过阅读故事,了解西方感恩节的习俗。 .


2.培养学生的阅读理解能力和良好的阅读习惯 .






Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Revision

1. Revise the words and sentences .

2. talk about how to spend some festivals like Lesson4 in groups.

Step3 Fun time

1. Stick the topic pictures on the Bband let the Ss feel the story

and guess the meanings of the story.

2. Learn the story in groups while the teacher walks around in the

class to help the Ss who have questions .

3. Let the Ss say what they learned .

4. Listen to the tape and say what you heard.

5. Listen again and point the pictures and follow.

6. Read the story together.

7. Everyone in a group holds a picture to decrible it in order to prepare for the play.

8. Act out the story in groups in the class.

9. Read the sentences in part B and think ,then number.

10. Correct the answers and assess in pairs .

Step 4 Summary

1 . Sum up thanks giving .

2 Offer some reading skills

Step 5 Homework

1. Listen to the tape .

2. Read the story fluenty.

3. Copy some words and the main sentences.

Step 6 Design on the Bb

Lesson 5

1. Words : Turkey pumpkin pie

2 Phrases : Go for a walk happy thanksgiving

3 Sentence: It?s time for dinner.

以上是精品学习网为大家准备的四年级英语上册Unit1 lesson5教案,希望对大家有所帮助。


小学人教新起点四年级英语上学期Having a party lesson1教案 

人教新起点四年级英语上册Having a party教案

