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人教版新起点小学英语二年级上册教案:Unit 1 Family Lesson 1



step 4. practicing (操练)

Read the chant by themselves and ask someone to show

Show some students’ family photos

Follow me to read the new words

Who can read?

step 5. summary (小结)

今天学习了表示家庭成员的词汇:mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, family

应该会用This is…向别人介绍你的家人

step 6. homework (家庭作业)

Copy the new words.

Draw your family members and tell your parents who are they.

Listen to the tape and practice the chant.

这就是为大家分享的英语二年级上册教案Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 ,希望能够切实的帮助到大家,同时祝大家工作顺利!更多相关教案请点击【二年级英语教案

