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小学英语教案 Clean the table, please 第一课时



教案是教师对一节课的整体设想,创造性的教学设计,严谨、科学、有序的教学策略,能够有效的提高教学效率。因此,小编为各位老师准备了这篇小学英语教案 Clean the table, please 第一课时,希望可以帮助到您!

一、 教学内容:(课本b learn to say)
二、 教学目标:
能听懂会说、初步认读a door, a window, a sofa, a desk, a table和a chair的单数形式,发音正确。
三、 教学准备:多媒体  图片 单词卡片
四、 教学过程:
step1. preparation.
1. greetings
2. free talk.
how are you?
how old are you?
who’s he/ she?
what’s this?(ask some school things in the classroom)
what’s your father/ mother? 
3. enjoy a song. clean the chair.
step2. review.
1. recite the letters from aa to qq.
2. review the words of unit1-3.
step3. presentation.
1. teach door
t: what’s this? it’s a door. read and repeat. show the card. read one by one and in groups. stick on the bb.
2. the same as the following words: a window, a desk ,a sofa, a table, a chair
step4. practice.
1. listen and repeat.
2. high and low voice.
3. have a guess : which is in my hand?t-s1-s2-…
4. listen and number.(ask the students to write the numbers under the pictures on page19.)
step5. homework.
read the six words five times.
2a unit 4 clean the table, please

以上就是小学英语教案 Clean the table, please 第一课时的全部内容,希望各位老师和学生能够喜欢!





北京版二年级英语教案《Here you are》 


