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1. I’m not professional, I play just for the fun of it.

1. 我不是专业的,搞这个不过是玩玩而已。

2. This is a hobby you can enjoy at little or no cost. ,

2. 这个爱好不需花钱或只需花很少钱,但其乐无穷。

3. I play the flute with a group of friends sometimes were all amateurs. And I have some American friends in University, so I go and see them every so often.

3. 我有时和一群朋友一起吹笛子-我们都是业余的。此外我在大学有一些美国朋友,我时常去看他们。

4. Playing computer games and playing bridge are my two great hobbies.

4. 玩电子游戏和打桥牌是我的两大嗜好。

5. I enjoy almost all sports. And I prefer playing to watching.

5. 我几乎喜欢所有的运动,我比较喜欢玩,不喜欢看。

6. I’m a football fan. But I don’t play and just enjoy watching football matches.

6. 我是足球迷。但我不踢,只是观看足球比赛。

7. I enjoy reading biographies, especially those of well-known statesmen, militarists, scientists and artists. I can learn a lot from their life histories.

7. 我喜欢看传记,特别是那些著名的政治家、军事家、科学家和艺术家的传记。我可以从他们的生活经历中学到很多东西。

8. I do a lot of reading and I enjoy it.

8. 大部分的时间都在看书,我很喜欢看书。

9. After getting up, I like to take a walk outside for fresh air.,,

9. 起床后,我喜欢出去散步,呼吸新鲜空气。

10. I enjoy getting away from the city, and coming into contact with nature.

10. 我喜欢离开城市,接触大自然。

11. Sometimes I go to the library or to ball games, but not often. ,

11. 有时我会上图书馆或者去看球赛,但不是经常这样。

12. Im interested in sports very much. I love swimming, skating and playing chess, but I hate boxing because it is rather crude.

12. 我对体育活动非常感兴趣。我爱好游泳、溜冰和下棋。但是我讨厌拳击,因为它相当粗鲁。

13. When it comes to entertainment, I think I enjoy dancing. There is nothing I like more than modem dance. It always makes me feel vigorous. ,

13. 说到娱乐活动,我认为我喜欢跳舞。我最喜欢的是现代舞,它总是让我感到充满活力。






