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Thirdly, Immigrants have put their outlook on money into the modern American’s mind. Their outlooks on money have great influence on their descendants in America. It is a false opinion to say that the United States has no history, or not much of it, if you are to understand the modern nation. She has her own history, full of features, and differences for any other nation, and its history of how America has become what she is today. On the morning of Oct.12, 1942, Christopher Columbus stopped ashore on an island in what has since become known as America. The arrival of his ships in the Western Hemisphere was one of the pivotal events in the world history. It opened up a new world for Europeans and initiated the spread of Western civilization to a new hemisphere. Large number of immigrants, not only from England, but also from France, Germany and many other countries, poured in. The new land also opened its doors to welcome those seeking political and religious freedom as well as the adventurer, the persecuted, the fortune seekers, and others. They all adopted the English language but their own culture did not disappear completely. These immigrants worked together and created American culture which was blending of European cultures under new circumstance. However, most immigrant groups came to America for full of hopes and dreams of the “promised land”, and sought their fortune in a new country which was thought to have unlimited resources. Because the immigrants had the aim to earn money, they cared about money very much. Money became a very important part in their life. They taught their children about the important of money.

Fourthly, the religious faith has great impact on the outlook on money. Religion is a very important part of life in America, just as some westerners comment that religion shapes the western character and culture. In America, the constitution may well establish a separation between church and state, but rare is the citizen who walks into a voting booth without a particular set of religious or moral outlooks, outlooks that often affect me outcome of a political race. On the whole, we cannot deny the influence of religion on American life. Meanwhile, religion is national. Over 90 percent of Americans say that they believe in God. For example, the Southern Baptist Church has sixteen million members, the largest Protestant group in the U.S. Over 40 percent go to the church or synagogue at least once a week. Half of the American Protestants are active church members. Even American money reminds them of religion. The words “In God We Trust” are stamped on the coins. The church encourages Americans to be less materialistic and monetary. When journalists write of greed, 71 percent agree that being greedy is a sin against God. Religious faith provided earlier generations of Americans with a moral language that help curb the pursuit of money. We should agree that religious faith is a source of wisdom and guidance in some degree. Just for the religious faith, it helps Americans believe that money is not everything. That means money is not all.

C. Advantages of the Americans’ Outlook on Money

