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In the modern market economy, public sector organizations active in today's society, it is one of the most suitable for providing and managing quasi-public organization forms, and will grow with the development of the market economy and gradual improvement, becomes the subject of public administration. To public institutions is the norm, redefining the public sector category, the establishment of a statutory classification system, the implementation of the corresponding tax system; reform of the system, to promote the healthy development of public institutions; improving tax system support system, optimizing public-sector organization growth environment; to take effective measures to accelerate the reform process in public institutions, building a modern public sector organization preferential tax system. Article from non-profit organizations own unique talk, by foreign companies in related advanced system and the existing nonprofit organization tax system, analysis of current system problems, propose appropriate legislative, judicial and institutional building advice. Non-profit organizations in the provision of public goods, the protection of social welfare has to compensate for the shortcomings of the Government instead of the benefit ", many countries in order to encourage and promote the public welfare, both from the income tax law on donors and non-profit organization itself made the tax benefits of institutional arrangement, the not-for-profit organization of tax system of the target location, building the non-profit organization's tax law system, a strict distinction between nonprofit organizations related to commercial activities and irrelevant commercial activities, specifications are designed to encourage donation of donation tax system, strengthening the tax administration of non-profit organizations.

Key Words: Public institutions; non-profit organizations; taxation; preferential tax concessions;





