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论文最好能建立在平日比较注意探索的问题的基础上,写论文主要是反映学生对问题的思考, 详细内容请看下文英语论文目录格式

Scarlet always felt that women had hardness and endurance unknown to men, despite that she was taught in childhood that women were frail, tender, sensitive creatures. She was a woman who could handle business as well or even better than men. Even though she had been brought up to believe that a woman alone could accomplish nothing, yet she had managed the plantation without man’ help. She believed that women could manage everything in the world without men’ help—except having babies. With the idea that she was as capable as a man came a sudden rush of pride and violent longing to prove it, to make money for herself as men did. Money could be her own and she could handle it at her own will.

B. What to Learn from Scarlet

From the above, it is clear that women in today’s society should learn from Scarlet to have innovation, confidence and self-trust.

1. Innovation

Nowadays, innovation plays an initial part in a person’ success of business. Innovation is the essence of the high-tech society. People who like reading newspapers, surfing the Internet or watching TV are familiar with the reports about

people who become rich overnight. Some one has once said that at the beginning there is no way in the world, but the roads are formed when there are more and more people walking on it. However when too many people walk on the same road, the road disappears. This saying is quite philosophical. Then how to find a new road when there is no way for us to walk? The answer is “to be innovative”!

Today’s society is full of serious competitions, which is an important motivation to the whole society’ improvement and development. Competition means that you have to struggle against others maybe just for a job, a promotion or money or a good living. People often think it difficult to find a good job, not to say a stable job. Sometimes women job-hunters in reality are looked down upon or discriminated by the interviewers and employers. So how can women have their own field in this world?

Women should believe that men are not the only persons who can do the job; women can also do it and even do it better than men. Scarlet could run the mill which was considered as men’s work. Women in today’ society can also do such kind of work which is traditionally regarded as only men’s work.

To be innovative, women should collect the current information about what is a promising job. Knowledge is necessary. Nowadays the society is one with information. Women should read magazines, newspapers or spend enough time in searching information through Internet. It will be easier for you to succeed if you gain information before others. So innovation is the key for women’ success.


