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2020-08-28 10:03:08


1.The Eagle and the Raven

An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a 

branch beside him. The raven eyed the nut hopefully, "You'll never break it 

like that,"he said. "If I were you I would fly up in the sky as high as I 

could, then drop the nut onto the rocks. It's the only way you'll get at the 


The eagle flew up into the sky, then let the nut fall down, down, down to the 

ground. The raven hopped quickly from his branch and seized the nut in his 

beak. By the time the eagle had found his way back to the right place, all 

that was left was a broken piece of shell. 

eagle  鹰  raven  渡鸦  beak  鸟嘴  land  着陆  kernel  果实

hop  单脚跳  broken  破碎了的  shell  壳





2.Buying Books on the Internet

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page. If you decide to buy one of the books you will need to give further 

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Internet  互联网  company  公司  ship  运送  search engine  搜索引擎  

author  作者  title  标题  space  空白处  provide  提供  

further information  进一步的信息  credit card  信用卡  




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