
2014-12-03 13:58:33 字体放大:  


M: I think I’ll get one of those new T-shirts, you know, with the school’s logo on both the front and back.

W: You’ll regret it. They are expensive, and I’ve heard the printing fades easily when you wash them.

Q: What does the woman mean?




A) The speakers will dress formally for the concert.

B) The man will return home before going to the concert.

C) It is the first time the speakers are attending a concert.

D) The woman is going to buy a new dress for the concert.


M: Honey, I’ll be going straight to the theatre from work this evening. Could you bring my suit and tie along?

W: Sure, it’s the first performance of the State Symphony Orchestra in our city, so suit and tie is a must.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

解析:准确答案A。容易错选C,听到的慎选。正确答案A 中,dress formally和suit and tie同义替换。


选项均以动词原形或to do形式开头的题目为动作题。放音时,注意抓情态动词(如could, should, would, may, can, have to, must等)和建议/请求句型(如Why not do…, Will you do…),其中包含的主要动作即为该题答案。



A) Leave Daisy alone for the time being.

B) Go see Daisy immediately.

C) Apologize to Daisy again by phone.