
2014-12-09 17:02:10 字体放大:  


瑜伽有着六千多年的历史,起源于印度。古代的瑜伽信徒发展了瑜伽体系,他们深信通过运动身体和调控呼吸完全可以控制心智和情感(control one’s mind and emotions),保持身体长久的健康。瑜伽姿势大部分来源于模仿动物的姿态,达到锻炼身心的效果。瑜伽不同于体操和舞蹈,也不同于一般的有氧练习。只有当呼吸、意识和姿势结合成一体(breathing,mind and posture get into one)时,才是真正的瑜伽练习。可以说,瑜伽不仅仅是一种运动方式.也是一种生活态度。

Yoga is originated in India with more than 6,000 years of history. Ancient yoga practitioners developed yoga system. They firmly believed that through the movement of one's body and control of one's breathing, one can completely control one's mind and emotions, so as to keep long-term health. Most yoga postures are imitations of animal postures in order to exercise one's physical and mental power. Yoga is unlike gymnastics, dance, or common aerobic exercise. Only at the time when one's breathing, mind and posture get into one, one is in the condition of yoga exercise. So we can say that yoga is not just a sport, but also an attitude to life.



