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高中英语阅读理解例文:Edell rises to fame



阅读是英语中又一大重要点,练好阅读,对提高英语能力有很重要的意义,小编为大家整理了高中英语阅读理解例文:Edell rises to fame,希望大家喜欢。

LIFE is full of sweet surprises for Chinese pop singer Edell (爱戴).

She majored in design in a Canadian college. But when she was looking for a job after graduation, she found herself rising as a star in singing. Then she became a hostess on TV. "These are roles I never expected to take," she said.

Edell is open to every possibility in life, not afraid to try new things. She says that every day she tries to get herself ready to take any chance that occurs in life.

"My mom told me chance only rewards those with a prepared mind," she said. "So I've tried to explore my potential talents. Thus I won't be at a loss when the right opportunity comes up."

Edell joined the Eastern Campus Concert Tour (东森校园巨星演唱会) with other pop stars on May 8, which will be held in universities in 40 cities in China.

Edell learned ballet in her childhood until she broke her back in practice. She then fell in love with music. Like many girls her age, she has a rich collection of CDs. But she never dreamed of being a singer. When she was on her trip back to China, she was spotted by a talent scout. To add spice in life, she gave a try and succeeded! And that's not the end of the story.

Once she was invited to be the hostess of the Asian MTV Awards in Thailand (泰国). Though she has never had any experience, she accepted the invitation. "At least I could make a trip to the exotic country," she said. Upon arrival at the ceremony, she had to read through a 91-page English biography of every guest. She studied it so much that she could recite all the details in it.

It helped her greatly. She greeted those strange faces she had never seen before and talked with them like an old friend. She did a great job. The MTV channel was so satisfied that they offered her a job as a TV hostess.

"Try to get yourself well-prepared in life," she said. "In the meantime, try to live your life with brains."

高中英语阅读理解例文:Edell rises to fame就到这里结束了,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望能有所启发,对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。

