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高中英语短文改错习题与答案:Two friends



大家一定要把握好高中的学习,多练习,为高考奋战,小编为大家整理了高中英语短文改错习题与答案:Two friends,希望对大家有帮助。Two friends were traveling across the forest 1___________

when they met with a bear . The one who was in big 2___________

fear , climbed up into a tree and hide himself, 3___________

without thinking of his friend . The another one 4____________

found that had no chance to running away, so 5____________

he threw himself on the ground and pretended

to dead . For he had heard that a bear 6___________

could never touch a dying body . 7___________

as he thus lain, the bear came up to 8____________

his head , and smelt at his nose and ears . 9____________

but the man held his breathe , and the beast 10___________

supposing him to be dead , walked away .

5. ^ to  on  3. for  4. much(四)   1. American  2. in hisnot 10. herboth 7. out   8. right    9. no        6.all

高中英语短文改错习题与答案:Two friends就到这里结束了,同学和老师们一定要认真阅读,希望能有所启发,对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。

