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高中英语短文改错句型指点:Anita Mei



学好短文填空,对提高英语水平有重要意义,以下是精品学习网为大家总结的高中英语短文改错句型指点:Anita Mei,希望大家喜欢。

My parents are both interested in reading and music , and 1_________

my father prefers to history books while my mother likes 2_________

to read novels and woman's magazines. In music , their 3__________

tastes are similar , and they had never tired of folk music . 4__________

Most of the time , they are in agreement on bringing up 5__________

children , They both believe in giving their children loves , 6__________

and none believes in punishing a child physically . 7__________

for times , they agree with each other , but sometimes 8__________

they seem differently .Perhaps that is why none of 9__________

their children knows for sure which parents he should follow . 10_________

have 5.women's  4. hadbut  2. to  3. woman's(一)  1. and rightAt 9. different 10.neither 8. For love 7. none        6. loves parent

高中英语短文改错句型指点:Anita Mei就到这里结束了,同学和老师们一定要认真阅读,希望能有所启发,对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。

