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高中英语改错练习题与答案:A man shot two students



学好短文填空,对提高英语水平有重要意义,以下是精品学习网为大家总结的高中英语改错练习题与答案:A man shot two students,希望大家喜欢。

A man shot two students died and wounded 1.______

five other at an Australian university on Monday, 2. ______

after he was overpowered by classmates of the victims 3. ______

(受害者). The two dead were both male of 4. ______

Asian appearance in his early 20s. The others 5. ______

have being treated for minor(未成年的)injuries. 6. ______

The man, in his mid-30s and of Asian appearance, 7. ______

was seized several students in 8. ______

classroom at Monash University, Melbourne 9. ______

and was late arrested. 10. _____

1. died-dead 2. other--others 3. after--before 4. male--males 5. his--their 6.have—are 7. √ 8. seized后加by 9. ∧a 10. later

高中英语改错练习题与答案:A man shot two students就到这里结束了,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望能有所启发,对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。

