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高二英语unit1Festivals around the world说课稿范例



我们已给本学期划上一个圆满的句号,又迎来了丰富多彩的暑假生活。精品学习网高中频道为大家提供了高二英语unit1Festivals around the world说课稿,供大家参考。

1. The analysis of the teaching material:

This unit talks about many kinds of festivals in different part of the world. The first reading briefly describes four different kinds of festivals. By studying this unit, students can know that festivals exit everywhere, and many of festivals in different countries celebrate similar ideas .An important element in the unit is the opportunity to compare and contrast cultural practices in China and other countries.

2. Teaching aims: a. Knowledge aim:

Make students know about the holiday all over the world and the detail of the holiday, such as origin of the holiday, content of the holiday, and the date of the holiday, etc.

b. Ability aim:

▲Make students talk about festivals and celebrations in English.

c. Emotional aim:

▲Make the Ss learn about the significance of festivals.

▲ Make the Ss know about the foreign festivals, and respect other countries’ custom.

3. Teaching important points:How to make the Ss understand the text better.

4. Teaching difficult points:Enable the Ss grasp the using of Modal Verbs.

精品小编为大家提供的高二英语unit1Festivals around the world说课稿大家仔细阅读了吗?最后祝同学们学习进步。


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