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Let ideal take off with the college entrance examination, life with aftertaste in June.


Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work.


Who laughs in the end, who laughs the most beautiful!


There is no failure in the college entrance examination, it brings profound thought to everyone, unforgettable experiences and feelings are rare wealth. The process by which we strive for our ideals is far more significant than the unknown.


如果我们都去做自己能力做得到的事,我们真会叫自己大吃一惊。 善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。

If we all do what we can, we would really surprise ourselves. Treat your hobbies, do not let them make way for learning, let them learn to serve. There is no hopeless situation in the world, only the desperate people.


It is too precious today and should not be eroded by sour worries and exasperated remorse, lifting the chin and grasping it today, and it will not come back.


Learn from the spring of the seedlings, not seen, the director of the day, drop out of school like a sharpening stone, not to lose, when the deficit.


The price you pay each day is higher than the previous day, because your life is shortened one day, so you have to be more active every day.


Try anything you have not experienced, good or bad.


Action does not necessarily bring happiness, but no action is no pleasure.


The third year is a period of collective fighting and personal achievement.


The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but where we are going.


College entrance examination is indeed a bumper harvest, it contains too much connotation. Regardless of the college entrance examination results, your growth and maturity is the fact that no one can change, these three years of hard work, you get too much. No longer in high school, advised you to cherish it. One year's experience, lifelong wealth.

滴水穿石战高考如歌岁月应无悔,乘风破浪展雄才折桂蟾宫当有时。 高考试卷是一把刻度不均匀的尺子:对于你自己来说,难题的分值不一定高。 高考是一个实现人生的省力杠杆,此时是你撬动它的最佳时机,并且以后你的人生会呈弧线上升。

Drip Piercing college entrance essay rhyming years should be no regrets, wind and waves show Xiong Guizhi Guinness sometimes when. Entrance exam papers is a non-uniform scale ruler: For yourself, the score of the puzzle is not necessarily high. College entrance examination is a labor-saving lever to achieve life, this time you leveraging it the best time, and after your life will be arc rise.

悲观些看成功,乐观些看失败。轻松些看自己,宽容些看别人。理智些看问题,纯真些看人生。 不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。

Some pessimistic to see success, optimism, some see failure. Easily see yourself, be tolerant to others. Sense to see the problem, pure look at life. Do not ask the harvest, but asked hard! Heaven reward hard.



