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来源:51EDU精品学习网 编辑:sx_mengxiang




When my best friend went abroad,he sent me a book as a gift,which always reminded me of him. Unfortunately,my book was gone after I came back from the school playground.

You can’t imagine how regretful I was to take the book there. I had planned to take it back after I played basketball. I searched everywhere for it,but without result. I sat in the classroom,feeling sad and wondering how I could do to get my lost book back.

Just at that moment,a boy in the next class came to me.When he was approaching me,I found there was something in his hand that I was familiar with.It was just my book.He told me he found the book when he took exercise on the playground and learned that it belonged to me.How important it was to me.

I appreciate his kindness and consideration so much.I will learn from him and be a person who is always ready to help others.



