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New semester, a new starting point, a new look, let us look forward to a better tomorrow, let us set foot on the journey again!


Let us transform ourselves into knights, erase the trauma on our chest, wipe out the glory of the past, take our former weapon, ready to go, the new semester's goal is the beginning of our new journey!

扬起理想的风帆 在绚丽多彩的大学航行中 我们一定会战胜一切困难 避过所有的浅滩 到达成功的彼岸!

Raise the Ideal Sail Sailing in the colorful university we will overcome all difficulties to avoid all the shoals to reach the other side of the success!



Is an ordinary day, but it has a brilliant connotation; is a flat day, but it has a colorful color! Because of you - engineer of the human soul, "September 10," this ordinary day becomes great and holy!


Lonely Spring Festival, cumbersome winter, passionate podium on the stage, follow the example of the desks on the desk, laughing and joking on campus, earnest when home visits, in the surging tide of the sound, you stick to the corner of peace, the sculpture of the spiritual image .


The first drop of spring warm the frozen earth, the first strand of the sun soothe the soul of the lake, you knit with the youth of our blue vision of longing, you use the voice of life awakened a grain of sleepy seeds! So, bright eyes in your eyes, shining the most moving human light!


Pink students dyed your black silk, years of bending your waist, and you are still energetic, heroic, accompanied by the fresh life, your heart forever young!


A cluster of gorgeous brilliant flowers, full of gigantic fruit, a piece of picturesque scenery, not all soaked in your relentless pursuit of life, laughter and tears?


You laid great paths with great sacrifices, and you, with the flame of mind, lighted the dreams of hope, how should you stand in the republic of the temple, wear a glorious colored garland, and listen to the world to play a full Affectionate loudly praise it?



