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1、 开学日到了,愿你进入美丽的校园界面,打开快乐的链接,点击知识的图片,搜索智慧的音符,记录成长的点滴,下载交流的软件,安装活跃的思维,复制求知的信念,粘贴成功的渴望。

On the school day, I hope you can enter the beautiful campus interface, open the happy link, click on the picture of knowledge, search for the wisdom of the notes, record the growth of bit by bit, download the exchange of software, install the active thinking, copy the knowledge and belief, paste the success desire.

2、 开学啦!开学啦!背上书包向着校园出发,那是快乐幸福的家。朋友见你总是笑哈哈,一起游戏快乐玩耍,老师为你把关爱洒,帮你撷取知识的浪花。愿你迎着美丽的朝霞,快乐入校!

school started! school started! Back to school bags toward the campus, it is a happy home. Friends see you always laugh haha happy play together, the teacher sprinkled care for you, help you extract the knowledge of the spray. May you face the beautiful glow, happy to school!

3、 阳光照,鸟儿叫,开学了;莫沮丧,别烦恼,老师同学互问好;快乐跑,多嬉闹,天天向上心情妙;睡个觉,微个笑,精神饱满去学校!

Open the sun, the bird is called, start school; Mo frustration, do not worry, the teacher said good to each other; happy to run, more playful, wonderful mood every day; sleep, smile, full of energy to school!


4、 把懒散收回,将自信揣好,把玩闹收起,将努力装好,背上书包,冲向求知的学堂,开学了,在知识的海洋里,寻找你梦想的岛屿,加油,同学!

The lazy to recover, confidence will be good, put the fun away, will be hard to install, backpack, rushed to seek knowledge of the school, school, in the ocean of knowledge, looking for your dream island, Come on, classmates!

5、 知识的大门,为你敞开;学问的天地,邀你驰骋;世界的奥妙,等你发掘;开学的号角,为你吹响。开学了,愿你学途坦荡,学业有成!

Knowledge of the door open for you; learning world, inviting you to ride; the mystery of the world, waiting for you to discover; the horn of the school, sounded for you. Beginning of the school, I wish you learn frank, academic success!

6、 知识的汪洋,任你遨游,梦想的天空,任你驰骋,人生的辉煌,等你开拓,美好的未来,与你相拥,开学日,背好书包,奔赴学堂,为梦想读书,为未来加油!

Knowledge of the ocean, let you travel, the dream of the sky, let you gallop, glory of life, waiting for you to open up, a beautiful future, embracing you, school days, back a good bag, went to school, to study for the dream, for the future cheer !

7、 新的学期已到来,熟悉的校园在眼前。丢下休闲和懒散,振作精神闯书海。增长知识和才干,共创祖国好未来。开学日到了,愿你学习优秀,成绩斐然!


The new semester has arrived and the familiar campus is at hand. Leave leisure and lazy, cheer up Chuang Shuhai. Increase knowledge and ability to create a better future for the motherland. On the first day of school, I hope you can learn excellent and you have achieved great success.

8、 开学了,回归校园,思想上进;鼓舞斗志,积极进取;收敛懒散,努力刻苦;勤学知识,眼界大开;端正态度,认真学习;善于思考,奋发有为。愿你学有所成,收获满满!

Start school, return to school, advance ideologically; Encouraging morale, proactive; Convergence lazy, hard work; diligent knowledge, vision; open mind, serious study; good at thinking, work hard. Would you like to learn something, harvest full!

9、 知识的汪洋大海无边无际,学府的文科理科学科繁多,梦想的海阔天空勤奋耕耘,理想的将来明天渊识博学,美好的事业通途辉煌灿烂。开学了,整装行动,畅游学海取佳绩。

The sea of knowledge is boundless, the sciences and sciences of the university are numerous and the diligence and hard work of the brighter future of dreams make the future brilliant knowledge and erudite tomorrow a brilliant future. Beginning of the school, the whole action, take a dip at the sea.

10、 知识是海洋,学校是航船,老师是船长,我们扬帆航;梦想是蓝天,学校是飞机,老师是机长,我们要翱翔。开学日到了,让我们共同努力,为了美好的未来,加油!

Knowledge is the ocean, the school is a boat, the teacher is the captain, we sail; dream is blue sky, the school is the plane, the teacher is the captain, we want to fly. The school day is coming, let us work together, for a better future, Come o



