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With a childish, with confusion, with confidence, with the ideal path! School, and come on!

2. 休息了一个寒假,放松了心情,调整了状态,充实了信念。马上就要开学了,愿我的朋友新学期,新气象,更上一层楼!

Rest a winter vacation, relax the mood, adjust the status, enrich the faith. It is about to start school, I wish my friend a new semester, a new atmosphere, a higher level!

3. 歇息放松是一种幸福,其实为自己幻想斗争更是一种幸福。敬爱的同伙,让大家在新学期起劲拼搏,争夺属于自己的幸福新乐吧!

Rest is a kind of happiness, in fact, fantasy fight for yourself is a blessing. Dear friends, so that everyone in the new semester hard work, compete for their own happiness and happiness!

4. 如果说假期是为了放松调整,那么新学期的开始就是拼搏奋斗。亲爱的朋友,愿你“新”装上阵,“心”欣向荣!

If the holiday is to relax the adjustment, then the beginning of the new semester is hard work. Dear friends, would you "new" loaded array, "heart" euphoric!

5. 开学之际,把一颗颗幸运星装进许愿瓶中,把一个个千纸鹤挂到许愿树上,把一句句祝福语写在信息上,它们承载着最真挚的祝福,愿你永远都快乐!

On the occasion of the school opening, we put the lucky stars in the bottle of wish, hang the paper cranes on the wishing tree, and write a message on the message that carries the most sincere wishes happy!


6. 开启求学之门,学会知识;开启兴趣之门,学会方法;开启宽容之门,学会快乐;开启智慧之门,学会适应;开启真诚之门,学会相处。开学啦,赶紧背上书包,快乐出发吧!

Open the door to learn, learn knowledge; open the door of interest, learn the method; open the door of tolerance, learn to be happy; open the door to wisdom, learn to adapt; open the door of sincerity, learn to get along. Start school, quickly backpack, happy start it!

7. 预约安宁,为燥热的心态降温。预约勤奋,为懒惰的身体助威。预约激情,为崭新的学期鼓劲。预约成功,为青春的岁月喝彩。开学日,祝你学有所成,更上一层楼。

Book peace, cool down for a hot mentality. Make an appointment for diligence and cheer for a lazy body. Book a passion for the new semester. Appointment is successful, applause for the youthful years. On the school day, I wish you all success.

8. 开学了,要好好学习,天天向上;每顿吃饱,长得白胖;找个女友,不在彷徨;偶尔无聊,就去上网;记得有我,天隔一方!

Start school, to study hard, every day up; every meal to eat, looks fat; find a girlfriend, not lingering; occasionally boring, go online; remember me, every other day!

9. 开学啦,不管是学校的学习,还是社会的学习,都愿我的朋友脚踏实地,勤奋努力,百尺竿头,更进一步。你最棒,加油!

Start school, whether it is school learning, or social learning, are willing to my friends down-to-earth, hard-working, success, go further. You're the best, come on!

10. 梦想在这里起飞,生活在这里灿烂。青春在这里飞扬,人生在这里充实。知识在这里升华,前途在这里铸就。开学了,祝你好好学习,圆你的梦实现你的理想。

Dreams take off here, life is brilliant here. Youth is flying here, life is fulfilled here. Knowledge here is sublimated, the future here casts. Start school, I wish you study hard, round your dream to achieve your dreams.


11. 梦想的蓝图等你描画,美好的未来等你创造。祖国的明天等你建设,成功的道路等你摸索。开学日到了,背上书包,愿你汲取知识的力量,创造辉煌!

Dream blueprint waiting for you to draw, a beautiful future waiting for you to create. The motherland's future, waiting for you to build, the road to success waiting for you to explore. On the first day of school, with a bag on your back, would you like to learn the power of knowledge and create glory!

12. 开学的钟声响起,收复一下假期玩心未泯的心情,整理一下亢奋中凌乱的思绪,恢复一下愉悦兴奋状态中迷茫的自己,调节一下新学期新起点的脚步,积极向上的面对新学期的学习状态。祝你开学快乐!

The bell of the school sounded, recaptured the mood of the holiday fun time, tidy excitement messy thoughts, restore the happy state of excitement, adjust the pace of a new starting point for a new starting point, positive and facing the new semester Learning status. I wish you happy school!



