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本篇文章为大家整理了高中生期末考试寄语 ,希望可以帮助到有需要的班主任们哦!


Examination so much coke, countless candidates do all night, Tang Zong Song Zu, had to copy. Tianjiao generation, Genghis Khan, only the white paper to pay. Approved almost, the number of romantic characters, all re-examination!


Tomorrow will have to test, go out as early as possible. Give pay, and quickly get a good sleep. After all, survive ten years, you can be proud to participate. Do not want to score high and low, relax the most important. Mom recently tired, do not forget to smile at her, dad transfer field, give him a hug. Dressed, vow to monitor the fans fell. Finally remind it again, check pencil knife!


Hey, are you still free to read text messages? Prove that you have no intention of learning: but since you see this message, I still want to tell you what I have been trying to say: the test goes well, work together!


After the test a lot of fun to use the joy of indulgence to review those exams all those forgotten!


Tomorrow exam, do not have to wake up after 6, you can swim every day, Tomorrow is the beginning of a new life, must not be scowl, tonight to be a good dream!


Want to say you feel too heavy; like to say, I feel too light; day nostalgia, sleepless nights, I only count the Acacia green Yingzhu beads, Hoshino moon sent to your window.


Wind blowing quietly, Phoenix flowers revealing bright red, relatives, friends, please shake hands, going west tomorrow! But do not forget each other's agreement: the test is successful!


Wave a hand, give you go first, my smart smile, I hope you will always remember. The exams are on schedule, I hope you and I will meet at the ideal school!

亲的同学,我们在一起这么久了,都是你在为我付出。我却没为你做些什么…下辈子如果做牛做马,我...我一定拔草给你吃! 考试顺利!

Pro-classmates, we are together for so long, you are paying for me. I did not do anything for you ... If my next life to do a cow, I ... I will pull you to eat! Test smoothly!



When the farewell opened the curtains, when the memories fell asleep in the chest, to say goodbye really sad, only brilliant! Long live the friendship!

Total scorer, always have to pursue. When we come to Japan, we always meet.



