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外研版高一英语Module5教学计划范文:a lesson in a lab




Teaching plan of Module5

A Lesson in a Lab

ⅠTeaching contents:module 5, Book 1, Vocabulary and Speaking

Teaching aims:

1. To introduce some general science.

2. To learn some words related to the theme of this module.

3. To develop speaking ability by practicing saying the numbers, especially the fractions.

Teaching objects:Class7, Grade 1, Junior High

Important and difficult points:

1. Arouse the students’ interests and love in science.

2. Enable the students to know some elements about the chemistry lab.

3. Make the students know how to read the numbers.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Leading in: provide a video of numbers for Ss, let them watch it and then ask some questions.

Purpose: activate the interest of Ss and help them review the simple numbers what they have learnt during the middle school.

Step2. Presentation

Part1 The Cardinal Numerals(基数词):

(1)Let Ss look at three pairs of numbers and remember how we say them.

A.16    23      B. 223       809      C. 1,001     9,743

(2)Drill: Then help Ss to learn the expressions of more difficult numbers:

174,301     5,100,000      12,269,000      7,500,000,000 (3)Practice to check the Ss whether have got the new knowledge.

(4)Group work: let Ss find the mistake of each number

Prat2 The Ordinal Numerals (序数词):

(1)Provide a rule for Ss to help them fast and clearly review the change of the Ordinal Numerals:

