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The horrible changes that have taken place on him are simply that he no longer believes in himself, but instead believes in others. The reason why he no longer believes in himself and believes in others is that if you believe in yourself, life becomes too difficult: to believe in yourself means that you can not consider the physical self that pursues a relaxed and happy body in dealing with various problems, and Almost always against him; to trust others means that there is no need to deal with any problem, and all the problems have been solved. The principle of solving problems always considers the spiritual self instead of the spiritual self.


Dealings will be helpful and harmless. People are just like the rivers and all the rivers. The water is the same everywhere, but the water in every river is narrow, some are spacious, some are fast and others are flat. Everyone has a germ of all sorts of nature, sometimes showing such a nature, sometimes showing such a nature, and sometimes beyond recognition, in fact, the original person.


We live in the world holding a ridiculous belief that we ourselves are the masters of life, life is to enjoy life. This is obviously ridiculous. You know, since we are sent to the world, it is out of the will of somebody, for some purpose. But we conclude that we are alive only for our own happiness. Obviously, we will not have a good end, just as those who do not carry out the will of the Master. The will of the master is manifested in those precepts. As long as people perform those precepts, the world will establish a paradise, people will be supreme happiness.

他觉得自己没有办法解决社会现实中的种种罪恶,后来,他在《圣经》中找到了答案:人不但不可恨仇敌,而要爱仇敌 。

He felt that he had no solution to the evils in the social realities. Later, he found the answer in the Bible: People should not only hate the enemy but love the enemy.


Never forgive others for ever forgiveness, because no one in the world is innocent, no one need no forgiveness, and no one has the power to punish or correct others.


Although hundreds of thousands of people gathered in a small area, trying hard to spoil the land beyond recognition, although they wantonly throwing stones into the ground, not to the growth of flowers and trees, even though they are not just the grass excavated, the coal and oil Burning smoky, despite their deforestation trees, deport birds and animals, in the city, after all, spring is still spring.



