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高中英语阅读资料推荐:It's Peking Opera time



高中英语阅读资料推荐:It's Peking Opera time

【摘要】为了帮助学生们了解高中学习信息,精品学习网分享了高中英语阅读资料推荐:It's Peking Opera time,供您参考!

It's Peking Opera time

JAY Chou, S.H.E. and Happy Boys? they are some of the singers who keep your music world busy. But how do you feel about Peking Opera? Is it only the favorite pastime of your grandfather?

Now, you have the chance to get to know the real beauty of this traditional art. This semester, a Peking Opera project is starting in 200 schools in 10 provinces and municipalities (直辖市). It will involve 15 works of Peking Opera, both classic and modern.

So how much do you know about this 200-year-old art?

Peking Opera combines instrumental music, singing, dancing, acting and acrobatics (杂技). Full of Chinese cultural elements, Peking Opera presents to the audience an encyclopedia (百科全书) of Chinese culture with unfolding stories, beautiful paintings, exquisite (优美的) costumes and graceful gestures.

The art form has created many "firsts" in Chinese dramas: the abundance of repertoires (曲目), the number of artists and opera troupes and spectators. So it is called the national opera of China.

There are five main roles in Peking Opera ? sheng, dan, jing, mo and chou.

Sheng is the leading male actor. Dan is the female roles. Jing refers to male roles with colored face paintings who represent warriors (战士), heroes, statesmen, adventurers and demons (魔鬼).

Mo is a minor male role. Chou is a male comic character with a white patch on the nose. They play roles of wit and humor. It is these characters that keep the audience laughing to ease tension (紧张) in some serious plays.

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