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英语阅读理解 Make a cool salad for a hot day



英语阅读理解 Make a cool salad for a hot day

【摘要】高中如何复习一直都是考生们关注的话题,下面是精品学习网的编辑为大家准备的英语阅读理解 Make a cool salad for a hot day

Make a cool salad for a hot day

When hot summer comes, light and cool food gets more popular. Salads are one of them. Made from uncooked vegetables, they are not only healthy, but can be tasty.

There are thousands of different salads. But simple ones are easy to make.

Here's how to make a simple salad. This one goes well with a main meat dish and rice.

First you need some vegetables, such as a lettuce (生菜), some tomatoes, a cucumber and a couple of peppers (青椒). From the supermarket, buy a salad dressing (沙拉酱). Wash the vegetables carefully. Chop them into pieces and put them in a bowl. Add the dressing. Mix the vegetables and the dressing up. And there you have your salad!

考生们只要加油努力,就一定会有一片蓝天在等着大家。以上就是精品学习网的编辑为大家准备的英语阅读理解 Make a cool salad for a hot day


