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In ancient Greece,Athens and Sparta shared the same language and customs,but Spartans and Athenians led very different lives.

Growing up in Sparta meant learning to become a soldier.At seven,boys were sent to special schools.These schools wanted to make the boys brave soldiers.While the Spartan boys were learning discipline(纪律),boys in Athens learned reading,writing,and even music.

In Sparta,at the age of 20,boys finished training and became soldiers in the army.Even if a Spartan soldier got married,he could not live with his wife until he turned 30.He continued to serve in the military(军队) until he was 60 years old.Boys in Athens served in the army for two years only,from the ages of 18 to 20.After that,they could choose to be a soldier,or they could be an artist or a teacher.Family life was important to Athenians,so families lived together.

$来&源:gkxx.comBoth Sparta and Athens had an Assembly,which was a group of leaders who helped run the city.Also,both Spartans and Athenians chose the members of the Assembly.The Spartan Assembly,however,actually did not have very much power.There were two kings in Sparta.There were also the ephors—a group of five men who held most of the power.The people of Athens wanted the exact opposite.They believed that no one group of people should hold all the power.So they chose members of the Assembly every year.People voted on new laws,and they discussed lots of things.

Athenians and Spartans both believed that their way of life was the best.It’s no wonder that they finally went to war with one another.Sparta won the war,but the Spartan soldiers did not burn Athens.They let the culture of Athens live on.

1.According to the text,boys in Sparta    .

A.had little education

B.had no interest in the arts

C.liked military schools greatly

D.learned reading at a young age



2.Compared with boys in Sparta,boys in Athens    .

A.were smarter

B.were stronger

C.studied much harder

D.enjoyed more freedom



3.The Paragraph 4 is mainly about Sparta and Athens’    .

A.governments      B.people

C.kings D.laws



4.How does the author develop the text?

初中学习网A.By providing reasons.

B.By making comparisons.

C.By following the order of time.

D.By following the order of importance.



