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14. prevent sb./ sth. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

= stop sb./ sth. (from) doing sth.

= keep sb./ sth. From doing sth.The heavy rain prevented us going on, but we didn’t lose heart. 大雨阻止我们前进,但是我们不灰心失望。

15. escape from… 从……逃出

Who helped him escape from the prison?是谁帮他逃出监狱的?

16. block out



Black clouds blocked out the sun. 乌云遮住了太阳。

Over the years she had tried to block out that part of her life. 多年来她努力想把生命中的那一段经历从记忆中抹去。

17. block off (用障碍物)隔开,封锁

Police blocked off the street after the explosion. 在发生爆炸之后,警方用路障封锁了那条路。

18. block up 塞住,封住(孔,洞)

My nose is blocked up because of a heavy cold. 因患重感冒,我的鼻子堵了。

19. crash (sth.) into sth. (把某物)撞到某物上He crashed his car into a wall. 他的汽车撞到了墙上。

20. pull in



The train pulled in right on time. 这列火车正点到站。

The new show is certainly pulling in the crowds. 新的表演一定很吸引人。

21. pull out



He pulled out a gun. 他掏出一支枪

I arrived as the last train was pulling out. 我到达时,末班列车刚刚开出。

22. pull down 拆毁

The cinema she used to visit had been pulled down. 她常去的那家电影院已经拆除了。

23. pull up (使车辆)停下

The driver pulled up at the traffic lights. 司机在红绿灯前把车停住。

24. pull through 恢复知觉或康复

She was so ill that it seemed unlikely that she would pull through. 她病得很厉害,看来不大可能康复了。

25. the mass of 大多数的(人)

The mass of workers do not want this strike. 大多数工人不愿举行这次罢工。

26. be a mass of sth. 充满;布满

The garden was a mass of colour. 花园里的景色五彩缤纷。

His face was a mass of bruises after the fight. 他打完架后脸上青一块紫一块的。

27. in the mass 总体上;总的来说

She says she doesn’t like children in the mass. 她说从总体上讲她不喜欢孩子。

28. cheer up 感到振奋;(使)高兴起来

The fans cheered up when they saw their favorite star. 看见自己喜欢的明星,“粉丝”们兴奋起来了。

Tom bought his girlfriend a large diamond ring to cheer her up. 为了哄女友高兴,汤姆给她买了一棵大钻戒。

