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16年高一上学期英语《English around the world》练习题及答案



6.(2014•泰安高一检测) I know Jane and Mary are good  friends; the former's ________ is a teacher and ________ is a nurse.

A.body; the latter's B.work; the last

C.identity; the latter  D.job; the latest's

答案:C 句意:我知道简和玛丽是好朋友,前者的身份是老师,后者的身份是护士。the former...,the latter...“前者……,后者……”;identity“身份”。由句意可知,C项符合题意。

7.They are so busy that they have no time to do any sports, ________ they need to do so.

A.wherever B.whenever

C.even if  D.as if

答案:C 考查连词的用法。根据语境可知,“他们需要这样做”和“他们没有时间”之间为转折关系。故用even if “即使”引导让步状语从句。

8.(2014•温州高一检测)Ten minutes has been made full ________ of ________ the problem.

A.using; studying B.use; to study

C.to use; to study  D.use; studying

答案:B 考查make full use of的被动形式。句意:已经充分利用了十分钟的时间来研究这个问题。题干还原成主动语态后应为:...have/has made full use of ten minutes to study the problem.

9.Many great men rose from poor backgrounds—Lincoln and  Edison, ________.

A.instead B.for example

C.and so on  D.such as

答案:B 选项A不合题意,首先排除。若原文Lincoln后的and改为逗号,则选项C也可入选。such as虽然意为“例如”,后面可列举人或事物,但不能放在句尾,也被排除。for example“例如”,后面可举例说明,其位置很灵活,可放在句首、句中或句尾,通常其前后须加逗号。

10.(2014•济南高一检测) Becoming ________ in a foreign language is no easy task—it needs lots of practice.

A.gradual B.official

C.native  D.fluent

答案:D 句意:流利地掌握一门外语并非易事——这需要大量的练习。fluent“流利的”,符合句意。gradual“逐渐的”;official“正式的;官方的”;native“本地的”。


People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the__1__300 years, there were__2__many changes in__3__places that now people can__4__tell an English person__5__an American in the way he or she talks.

Many old words__6__in England, but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a “faucet”, a“spigot”or a“tap”. All these words are__7__heard in different parts of America, but only “tap”is still common in__8__. Americans often made up new words or changed old__9__. “Corn”is one kind of plant in America and__10__in England.

Also, over the last three centuries  the English language__11__  thousands of new words for things that  weren't known__12__. And often, American and English people used two__13__names for one thing. A  tin can is called“tin”for short in English, but a“can”in America. The word“radio”is__14__all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a“wireless”. And  almost anything having something to do__15__cars, railroads, etc. __16__different names in British and American English.

But now  American and British English may be growing closer together. One__17__is the large amount of  American speech  that British people hear daily in movies, on televisions, or__18__travellers. __19__this, Americans seem to be influencing(影响 ) the British more and more. So some day, English may even be__20__on both sides of the Atlantic.

1.A.following B.recent

C.oldest  D.last

答案:A 下文讲英语有了许多变化,应是在随后的年头里。

2.A.such B.too

C.so  D.great

答案:C 当名词前有many/much/few/little(少)修饰时,用so。

3.A.either B.both

C.neither  D.two

答案:B 空后的名词places是复数,故排除A、C。这两个地方特指英美两国,填both具有特指意义,能把它们都说进去。若填two则为泛指意义,需在two之前加the才具有特指意义。

4.A.hardly B.differently

C.clearly  D.easily

答案:D 既然有那么大的变化,就很容易把英、美人区别开来。

5.A.with B.from

C.to  D.and

答案:B tell...from...意为“把……和……区别开来”。

6.A.disappeared B.remained

C.spoken  D.were spoken

答案:A 后面说“但在美国保留下来了”,则前面应说“在英国消失了”。

7.A.not B.hardly

C.yet  D.still

答案:D 后面说faucet, spigot, tap这三个词中,只有tap一词在英国还用得普遍,则前面应说在美国各地仍能听到。

8.A.America B.British

C.England  D.the two countries

答案:C 谈论的是英美两国,前面是美国,but转折后应是英国。

9.A.word B.forms

C.ones  D.ways

答案:C ones在此代替空前的words。

10.A.another B.also planted

C.a plant  D.a kind of food

答案:A 本文讲的是英美语言的差异,因而同一单词在英美两国所指可能不同,应从这一角度来解题。

11.A.added B.added up

C.discovered  D.found

答案:A 随着历史的前进,语言也向前发展,因此英语也增加了数千个新词。add意为“增加”,add up意为“把……加起来”。

12.A.anywhere B.before

C.for centuries  D.in some countries


