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46. A. feel   B. smell    C. pour    D. sip

47. A. hard   B. easy    C. comfortable   D. convenient

48. A. the same  B. differently   C. unanimously  D. painfully

49. A. hardened  B. disappeared   C. softened   D. escaped

50. A. hard   B. invisible   C. liquid    D. solid

51. A. outside   B. skin    C. shell    D. inside

52. A. therefore  B. however   C. surprisingly   D. moreover

53. A. white   B. stronger   C. weaker   D. richer

54. A. What   B. How    C. Where    D. Which

55. A. fight   B. manage   C. respond   D. do

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


I’m seventeen. I had worked as a box boy at a supermarket in Los Angeles. People came to the counter and you put things in their bags for them and carried things to their cars. It was hard work.

While working, you wear a plate with your name on it. I once met someone I knew years ago. I remembered his name and said, “Mr. Castle, how are you?” We talked about this and that. As he left, he said, “It was nice talking to you, Brett.” I felt great, he remembered me. Then I looked down at my name plate. Oh no. He didn’t remember me at all, he just read the name plate. I wish I had put “Irving” down on my name plate. If he’d have said, “Oh yes, Irving, how could I forget you?” I’d have been ready for him. There’s nothing personal here.

The manager and everyone else who were a step above the box boys often shouted orders. One of these was: You couldn’t accept tips. Okay, I’m outside and I put the bags in the car. For a lot of people, the natural reaction is to take a quarter and give it to me. I’d say, “I’m sorry, I can’t.” They’d get angry. When you give someone a tip, you’re sort of being polite. You take a quarter and you put it in their hands and you expect them to say, “Oh, thanks a lot.” When you say, “I’m sorry, I can’t,” they feel a little put down. They say, “No one will know.” And they put it in your pocket. You say, “I really can’t.” It gets to a point where you almost have to hurt a person physically to prevent him from tipping you. It was not in agreement with the store’s belief in being friendly. Accepting tips was a friendly thing and made the customer feel good. I just couldn’t understand the strangeness of some people’s ideas. One lady actually put it in my pocket, got in the car, and drove away. I would have had to throw the quarter at her or eaten it or something.

I had decided that one year was enough. Some people needed the job to stay alive and fed. I guess I had the means and could afford to hate it and give it up.

56. What can be the best title for this text?

A. How Hard Life is for Box Boys

B. Getting along with Customers

C. Why I Gave up My Job

D. The Art of Taking Tips

57. From the second paragraph, we can infer that ________.

A. the writer didn’t like the impersonal part of his job

B. with a name plate, people can easily start talking

C. Mr. Castle mistook Irving for Brett

D. Irving was the writer’s real name

58. The box boy refused to accept tips because ________.

A. customers only gave small tips

B. some customers had strange ideas about tipping

C. the store forbade the box boys to take tips

D. he didn’t want to fight with the customers

59. The underlined phrase “put down” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

A. misunderstood     B. defeated         C. hateful         D. hurt


The first time I saw Carlos I would never have believed he was going to change my life. I had my arms full of books and I was tearing into the classroom when I ran into something solid. It was Carlos.

“My God, you’re tall,” he said.

Of course, the class began to laugh. Angry, I walked to my seat without a word.

I glanced back to see if Reed Harrington was laughing with the rest. That would be the last straw. But Reed was studying chemistry and did not seem to be aware of anything else. I didn’t know why I considered Reed my friend. Maybe just because he was a good two inches taller than I. Anyway, every time I blew out my birthday candles and made a wish, it was for a date with Reed Harrington.

“Take that seat,” Mr. McCarthy told the cocky newcomer Carlos,pointing to the only empty one,in the back of the room.

Carlos laughed widely. “But I need a couple of dictionaries.” Again the class laughed, but now they were laughing with Carlos,not at him. He had been here only 10 minutes and already he had them on his side.

The bell rang for classes. As I stood up to go, I saw Carlos coming toward me. “I’ sorry I embarrassed you,” he said. I looked straight head over the top of his black hair. “That’s all right.”

“ I ought to know better.” He was still blocking my way.” What’s your name?” “Karen Forbes.” “ You probably heard me say I’m Carlos Herrera.” He held out his hand. Unwillingly, I shook hands with him. He looked up at me seriously with his brown eyes. “I don’t see why you’re so touchy.”

I brushed by him and said sharply, “You wouldn’t understand.”

He followed me a few steps. “I’m just the one who should, Karen,” he said. “You and I have a lot in common.”

It was the school elections that made me think of Carlos again. Reed Harrington was voted president and Carlos vice-president. “How come?” I kept asking myself, “How come this shrimp who’s only been in town for a little over a month gets to be so popular?”

So that morning,I stopped Carlos and said,“It doesn’t seem to bother you — being short.” He looked up at me, “Of course I mind being short. But there isn’t anything I can do about it. When I realized I was going to have to spend my life in this undersized skin,I just decided to make the best of it and concentrate on being myself.” “You seem to get along great,” I admitted, “But what about me? Nobody wants to date a girl taller than he is.” “The trouble with you is that you’re afraid to be yourself. You’re smart. And you could be pretty. In fact, you might be more than pretty.” I felt myself turning red…

60. The author was angry because ________.

A.the class made fun of her                      B.Carlos was too rude to her

C.she had to carry many books                D.Reed Harrington didn’t date her

61.Which of the following about Carlos is NOT TRUE?

A.He was popular.                                        B.He was new in the school.

C.He was shorter than the author.                D.He was chosen president in the school elections.

62.The underlined word “ touchy” in paragraph 8 probably means________

A. moved              B. cheerful           C. curious      D. annoyed

63.We can infer from Paragraph 4 that the author ________.

A. cared much about Reed’s attitude        B. hoped Reed was laughing with others

C. thought Reed was the same as others      D. couldn’t stand Carlos playing tricks on her


Below is an introduction to some National Parks of Canada.

Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada

Wood Buffalo National Park is Canada's largest national park and one of the largest in the world. Established in 1922 to protect the last remaining herds of bison in northern Canada, it now protects an outstanding example of Canada's Northern Boreal Plains. The park was named as a World Heritage Site in 1983. Here, visitors can find some of the best examples of karst topography in North America, unique Salt Plains.

Banff National Park of Canada

Banff's rich history dates back to 1885, when three railway workers came across hot mineral springs surfacing from deep within the mountains. This discovery led to the establishment of Banff National Park, and marked the beginning of Canada's national parks system. Covering 6,641 square kilometers of valleys, mountains, glaciers, forests, meadows and rivers, Banff National Park is one of the world's premier destination spots. Banff is home to a number of outstanding geological and ecological features, including the hot springs and the Castleguard Caves, Canada's longest cave system.

St. Lawrence Islands National Park of Canada

Conceived in the 1870s, St. Lawrence Islands is one of Canada's

oldest national parks. Located in the scenic 1000 Islands Tourist Area,

this tiny jewel has a rich and complex natural human history. Centuries

ago, aboriginal peoples referred to it as the “Garden of the Great Spirit”.

Today, 24 scenic islands, along with a mainland area at Mallorytown

Landing, are included in the park. Here, water is the main attraction. Both

power and sail boaters stop at the park's islands on the way to the

St. Lawrence River.

Grasslands National Park of Canada

It was here Sitting Bull that took refuge after the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. Grasslands National Park is the first national park of Canada to preserve a large part of the mixed prairie grasslands. This magical land of diversity, beauty and history is divided into two blocks. The East Block contains the Killdeer Badlands and the Wood Mountain Uplands, and the West Block preserves the Frenchman River Valley and the dissected plateaus, coulees and famous 70 Mile Butte. It provides visitors opportunities for camping, hiking, horseback riding, biking and nature viewing in one of the last frontiers of the Canadian west.

64. In order to learn the human history on the islands you’d better go to ___________.

A. Banff National Park     B. Grasslands National Park

C. Wood Buffalo National Park   D. St. Lawrence Islands National Park

65. Banff National Park was built because ___________.

A. there were lots of scenic islands   B. there were many valleys and mountains

C. mineral springs were found in Banff  D. there was no national parks in Canada then

66. From the passage, we can know that ___________.

A. visitors can enjoy karst topography in Wood Buffalo National Park

B. Banff National Park is Canada's largest national park

C. people have access to exploring the caves in St. Lawrence Islands National Park

D. Grasslands National Park is where sail boaters stop on the way to the St. Lawrence River

67. The passage is most probably taken from ___________.

A. a travel brochure      B. a student’s textbook

C. a photograph album     D. an entertainment magazine


The concept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our health. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life style without any exercise. The freedom to make such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our society, although the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned. Personal choices relative to health often cause a difficulty. As one example, a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be pressured by friends into believing it is the socially accepted thing to do.?

A multitude of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of health related behaviors, and it is beyond the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any given individual. However, the decision to adopt a particular health related behavior is usually one of personal choices. There are healthy choices and there are unhealthy choices. In discussing the morals of personal choice, Fries and Grapo drew a comparison. They suggest that to knowingly give oneself over to a behavior that has a statistical probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide. Thus, for those individuals who are interested in preserving both the quality and quantity of life, personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with a statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity.

68. The concept of personal choice concerning health is important because ____.

A. personal health choice help cure most illness

B. it helps raise the level of our medical knowledge

C. it is essential to personal freedom in American society

D. wrong decisions could lead to poor health

69. Sound personal health choice is often difficult to make because ____. ?

A. current medical knowledge is still insufficient

B. there are many factors influencing our decisions

C. few people are willing to trade the quality of life for the quantity of life

D. people are usually influenced by the behavior of their friends

70. To knowingly allow oneself to pursue unhealthy habits is compared by Fries and Crapo to ____.

A.improving the quality of one’s life B.limiting one’s personal health choice

C.deliberately ending one’s life D.breaking the rules of social behavior



Certain people make you feel comfortable when they are around. You spend an hour with them and feel as if you’ve known them half your life.     71     And once we know what it is, we can try to do it ourselves.

How is it done? Here are several skills that good talkers have.     72

First of all, good talkers ask questions.    73     One well known businessman says, “At business lunches, I always ask people what they did this morning. It’s a common question, but it will get things going.” From there you can move on to other matters—sometimes to really personal questions. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go.

Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen for the answer. This point seems clear, but it isn’t. Your questions should have a point and help to tell what sort of person you are talking to.     74

Real listening at least means something.    75    If someone sticks to one topic, you can take it as a fact that he’ll be really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to words, but to tones of voice. If the voice sounds dull, then, it’s time for you to change the subject.

Finally, good talkers know well how to deal with occasion of parting. If you’re saying good-bye, you may give him a firm handshake and say, “I’ve really enjoyed meeting you.” If you want to see that person again, don’t keep it secret. Let people know what you feel, and they may walk away feeling as if they’ve known you half their lives.

A. If you follow the skills, they will help you put people at their ease, and make friends with them quickly.

B. These people have something in common.

C. First it means not change the subject of conversation.

D. And in this way, they will feel you are their life-long friend.

E. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he is, will answer a question.

F. But you have to pay attention to the tone voice.

G. And to find out, you really have to listen carefully and attentively.


71. _________   72. ________  73. _________  74. _________  75. _________

第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35 分)

第一节 短文改错(满分10分)





注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分; 3. 改错在原文上改

I have been planning to join in our college basketball team  next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who liked to play. They are teaching me the most important rules and techniques of the game, and I am getting the better all the time. We have a neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. One of my neighbors is helping rest of us improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against one of the best team in the city, and I think we can win them if we won't make any mistakes.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

某英文报正在就建立良好的师生关系进行讨论。你作为一名新入学高中学生,请参与讨论。请你围绕 “A good relationship benefits us all” 这个话题,根据以下要点,用英语写一篇100个词左右的短文。


1. 建立良好的师生关系的必要性;

2. 你认为良好的师生关系应该是怎样的;

3. 如何才能建立这种关系。

注意: 开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。

A Good Relationship Benefits Us All

As a new senior high student, I think it necessary to build a good relationship with our teachers,                                                                   ___________________________________________________________________________

