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1. —Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

—No, it ______be him . I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

A. can’t                           B. must not

C. won’t                          D. may not

2. You ______be tired —you have worked for more than 8 hours.

A. must                           B. have to

C. can’t                        D. may not

3. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I ______report it to the police?

A. should                         B. may

C. will                               D. can

4. The dictionary ______to my English teacher now.

A. is belonging                 B. is belonged

C. belonged                     D. belongs

5. Maybe you have been to many countries ,but nowhere else _______such a beautiful palace.

A. can you find                 B. you could find

C. you can find                 D. could you find

6. Every coin has two sides. Beautiful songs, sometimes, _______be just noise to others.

A. must                            B. would

C. may                            D. should

7. Something was wrong with the car; it _______not start.

A. could                              B. would

C. might                             D. should

8. —I’m thinking of losing weight these days.

—Oh, you ______be out of your mind. You’re but 45 kilos.

A. will                               B. should

C. may                            D. must

9. All the employees except the manager _______to work online(在线工作)at home.

A. encourages                                                               B. encourage

C. is encouraged                                                           D. are encouraged

10. — Why is Jenny still standing there ? It’s so cold .

—She _______for someone .

A. can wait                                                                        B. might

C. use be waiting                                                             D. should have waited


If the world were a village of 1,000 people it would include:

584 Asians

124 Africans

95 Eastern and Western Europeans

84 Latin Americans

55 former Soviets (前苏联)

52 North Americans

6 Australians and New Zealanders

The people of the village would speak:

165 Mandarin(普通话)

86 English

83 Hindu/Urdu

64 Spanish

58 Russian


The above list covers the mother tongues of only half the village.

One-third of the people in the village are children, and only 60 are over the age of 65. Just under half of the married women in the village have access to modem equipments.

This year 28 babies will be born. Ten people will die, 3 of them for lack of food, 1 from can-cer. Two of the deaths will be of babies born within the year. With the 28 births and 10 deaths, the population of the village next year will be 1,018.

In this village of 1,000 persons, 200 people receive 75 percent of the income; another 200 re-ceive only 2 percent of the income.

About one-third have access to clean, safe drinking water.

Of the 670 adults in the village, half can not read nor write.

The village has a total yearly budget (预算) , public and private, of over $3 million—$ 3 ,000 per person if it is distributed evenly(平均分配). Of the total $3 million:

$ 181,000 goes to weapons and warfare(武器和福利)

$ 159,000 to education

$ 132,000 to health care

