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第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


While Jennifer was at house taking an online exam for her business law class, a(n)   31    a few hundred miles away was watching her every move.

Using a web camera   32    in Jennifer’s Los Angeles apartment, the monitor in New York tracked how

33   her eyes moved from the computer screen and listened for the secret sounds of a possible helper in the room. Her Internet access was locked remotely (远程地) to   34    Internet searches, and her typing style was

35   to make sure she was who she said she was: Did she enter her student number at the same speed as she had in the past? Or was she slowing down?

In the battle against cheating, this is a key to encouraging honesty in the booming field of online education. The technology gives   36    to the entire system, to the institution and to online education in general. Only with   37    measures against cheating, experts say, can Internet universities show that their exams and diplomas are valid (有效) — that students haven’t just searched the Internet to get the   38   .

Although online classes have existed for more than a decade, the concern over   39    has become sharper in the last year with the growth of "open online courses." Private colleges, public universities and corporations are

40    into the online education field, spending millions of dollars to   41    potential (潜在的) students, while also taking steps to help ensure honesty at a distance.

42    the web cameras, a number of other high-tech methods are becoming increasingly popular. Among them are programs that check students’ identities using   43    information, such as the telephone number or the birth date.

Other programs can produce unique exam through a large list of questions and can recognize possible cheaters by analyzing whether difficult test questions are answered at the same 44._______ as easy ones.

As in many university classes, term papers are scanned 45.______ some large Internet data banks (数据库) for cheating.

31. A. institution B. monitor  C. system D. website

32.  A. bought  B. controlled       C. equipped  D. updated

33.  A. frequently B. fast  C. skillfully D. slowly

34.  A. protect B. prevent  C. promote D. provide

35.  A. recorded B. copied  C. edited  D. analysed

36.  A. trust  B. honesty  C. trick D. promise

37.  A. latest  B. effective  C. urgent D. constant

38.  A. necessary credits B. practical instructions  C. open courses  D. right answers

39.  A. technology B. security  C. popularity D. cheating

40.  A. looking B. falling C. breaking D. jumping

41.  A. attract B. persuade  C. educate  D. employ

42.  A. According to B. Aside from C. Except for  D. Related to

43.  A. social B. material  C. original  D. personal

44.  A. speed  B. style  C. time  D. point

45.  A. in  B. for  C. against  D. with


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


The offering

Just as they were getting ready to leave the street corner, they noticed a man walking toward them. He was obviously a wealthy man ---- they could tell that from the finely tailored business suit he was wearing and the gold watch chain that decorated his left pocket.

The first beggar whispered to the second with excitement, "He's coming our way!"

The two tried not to look directly at the man as he stepped closer to them, but they couldn't help gazing up with expectation as he reached into his pocket and took something out.

"Thunk" was the only sound they heard as what looked like a piece of hard candy, wrapped doubly in tissue paper, hit each of their waiting hats. The rich man turned and continued on his way, not making a backward glance.

"How disgusting (令人作呕的)!" said the first beggar, as soon as the rich man was out of sound range. “He could have easily left us a few coins or a spare bill, but he tricks us with a piece of rock candy."

He looked at the wrapped offering with disgust. "Who does he think we are ---- children? There's no way we can even eat this ---- we have no teeth."

The beggar picked up the object with the very tips of his fingers and threw it into the gutter(臭水沟). He watched as it floated a few yards in the stream of muddy water and disappeared into the drain at the end of the street. Then, he gathered up his things and walked away.

The second beggar looked down at the morsel in his hat, then at his departing friend. His first impulse (冲动) was to throw the donation in the trashcan under the street light. But his second thought made him change his mind.

"I haven't had anything like this for ages," he thought. "I can't chew (咀嚼) it, but I can suck on it for a while, and the sugary juices will stay in my mouth for a long time. How nice of that man to offer me something so sweet."

He eagerly opened the paper outside, then paused as his hands touched the white tissue paper inside. "Maybe I should save it for another time," he thought. "It won't spoil, and I could eat it later when I'm really hungry."

The beggar hesitated for a moment, then declared aloud, "Who cares? He wanted me to have it anyway. I might as well enjoy it now."

With that, he unwrapped the white tissue paper, but to his surprise, there was no hard rock candy inside. Instead, into his fingers fell a shiny white pearl worth thousands of dollars.

46. Why was “thunk” the only sound they heard when the rich man dropped the candy?

A. Because there was no other sound at that time.

B. Because all their attention was focused on the offering.

C. Because the sound was too loud at that time.

D. Because they liked listening to the sound.

47. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence “The beggar picked up the object with the very tips of his fingers and threw it into the gutter(臭水沟)”?

A. The candy was really too small and hard to pick up.

B. The beggar was unsatisfied with the offering.

C. The beggar thought the candy was so dirty.

D. The candy was spoilt and couldn’t be eaten.

48. What can we learn from the story?

A. Rich people who give offering to the poor deserve more respect.

B. Those who are lazy may miss more opportunities.

C. Things which have no appealing appearance tend to be more valuable.

D. Those who appreciate what they own are more likely to be rewarded.


HANGZHOU ---- A human blood protein (蛋白质) has been found to be associated with the H7N9 death rate, according to a study by Chinese medical scientists.

The study, published in Nature Communications on Tuesday, showed that blood plasma (血浆) levels of angiotensin II are higher in H7N9 patients and could be used to predict the worsening of their physical condition.

Angiotensin II is a human protein contained in plasma, the vascular wall, heart and kidney to control blood pressure. It is closely linked to serious lung injury.

H7N9 patients with higher levels of angiotensin II carry more viruses, said Li Lanjuan, researcher at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a specialist in H7N9 prevention.

"It is particularly obvious in the second week of human infection(感染). The angiotensin II level of patients in critical condition keeps going up, while that of mild cases tends to drop," Li said.

Li added that the new finding could help in clinical practice. Medical workers could adopt more reliable treatment measures for patients suffering different conditions.

"This study will provide a new angle to H7N9 potential treatment for future cases," said Ed Gerstner, executive editor of Nature Communications.

The study was led by researchers of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

They collected plasma from 47 H7N9 patients in cities of Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing and analyzed the relation between angiotensin II and viruses.

H7N9 was first reported in China in March 2013. The virus causes serious disease in humans, including serious and often deadly breathing failure. The country has reported more than 200 human H7N9 cases.

49. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A human blood protein has been found against H7N9.

B. Chinese scientists claim the discovery of H7N9.

C. A new study on a blood disease is being conducted.

D. Patients with H7N9 have been cured.

50. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Blood plasma levels of angiotensin II are lower in H7N9 patients.

B. Researchers collected plasma from 47 H7N9 patients to analyze the level of angiotensin II.

C. The study will bring something positive to H7N9 potential treatment.

D. More than 200 human H7N9 cases were reported in China in 2013.

51. What does the underlined word “critical” probably mean?

A. Dangerous          B. Important            C. Different         D. Irregular


The nature of stress

We are often faced with stressors that are beyond our control, from rare natural disasters to everyday traffic jams. There is a good deal of evidence that uncontrollable events are particularly stressful. This has been shown in studies of “executive rats”, in which two rats receive exactly the same electric shock, but one is given a lever that could be used to turn the shock off after it occurs. Over a long series of such trials, the partner rat, helpless to do anything about its pain, is more likely to develop ulcers(溃疡)than the executive one.

Stress is mostly caused by uncertain events. Uncertainty about an event makes it more disturbing. One study found that subjects who were told that they had a 5 percent chance of receiving an electric shock were actually more uneasy than those who were told that they had a 50 percent chance.

People make various attempts to deal with their stress ---- removing the cause of the stress, seeking the support of friends or reconsidering the situation to make it seem less unpleasant. Richard Lazarus and his colleagues have made a useful distinction between problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies(应对策略). Problem-focused strategies are those aimed at doing something to change the problem causing the stress. Emotion-focused strategies tend to reduce our negative emotional responses.

Psychologists Susan Folkman and Richard Lazarus examined undergraduate students’ coping strategies at three time periods ---- two days before a midterm examination; two days before the grades were announced; and five days later after the grades were posted. Before the exam, students tended to use such problem-focused strategies when studying ---- a safe way to reduce the possible problems. After the exam, when their results were unchangeable, if they turned to others, it was usually for emotional support. xK b 1. Com

Faced with stress, people can not only depend on themselves, but also turn to others for support. Like other animals, humans have always been safer in groups. Besides physical protection, people provide emotional support that can reduce the psychological and physical problems caused by stress. A shortage of support can decrease our ability to prevent illness. For example, after being diagnosed as having a serious disease, married people are likely to survive longer than unmarried people.

People may provide appraisal support, helping us to make clear how serious a problem is. If a professor tells you that he had also failed his first college entrance exam, the result of your failure will seem less serious. Others can also provide informational support, teaching you about how to deal with the problem. Finally, friends and relatives may give us instrumental support, providing material goods or services to overcome the stress. If your father lends you some money when your car breaks down, you can stop tearing your hair up and just fix it.

52. Why is the “partner rat” more likely to develop ulcers than the “executive one”?

A. Because the “partner rat” feels more painful with the electric shock.

B. Because the “partner rat” feels more sensitive to the electric shock.

C. Because “the partner rat” feels it more likely to receive the electric shock.

D. Because the “partner rat” feels it unlikely to control the electric shock.

53. If you are planning to ask your teacher for some advice on how to prepare for the coming exam, you will use _______ and your teacher will give you ________.

A. problem-focused strategies; appraisal support

B. problem-focused strategies; informational support

C. emotion-focused strategies; instrumental support

D. emotion-focused strategies; informational support

54. In the last paragraph, what does the underlined word “it” refer to?

A. Your hair.      B. Your stress.       C. Your car.        D. The money your father lends you.

55. If the passage is divided into three parts, which paragraphs could be combined together?

A. Paragraph 1 and paragraph 2.           B. Paragraph 2 and paragraph 3.

C. Paragraph 4 and paragraph 5.           D. Paragraph 4, paragraph 5 and paragraph 6.

