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1. What time is it now?

A. 7:55.                 B. 7:05.                  C. 7:25.

2. What is the man?

A. A waiter.              B. A booking clerk.        C. A bank clerk.

3. What did the woman have to do on the trip?

A. Repair her car.     B. Take the long route.      C. Reduce her driving speed.

4. What' s the population of Hawaii?

A. About 1000000.          B. About 100000.            C. About 10000000.

5. Why does the man like December best of all?

A. Because he can see snow in December.    B. Because he can skate in December.

C. Because he enjoys the cold weather in December.




6. Where does this conversation take place?

A. In Mr. King' s office.    B. At Jane' s home.        C. Over the telephone.

7. Why won' t Jane come to work today?

A. She' s got a fever.      B. She's got a headache.    C. She's got a sore throat.

8. What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Doctor and patient.     B. Father and daughter.     C. Boss and employee.


9. Where does this conversation take place?

A. In the restaurant.          B. On the phone.          C. On the street.

10. When does this restaurant stop serving lunch?

A. 1:00 p.m.                B. 2:00p. m.             C. 3:00 p.m.

11. How many people will come with the woman for lunch?

A. One.                    B. Two                 C. Four.


12. What is the possible relationship of the two speakers?

A. Strangers.      B. Teacher and student.      C. Husband and wife.

13. Why do the English people like to talk about weather with strangers?

A. Because it is interesting.      B. Because they feel friendly by doing so.

C. Because they want to know the weather condition.

14. What will possibly happen if strangers talk about politics?

A. They will not agree with each other.      B. They will not be safe.

C. They will have to stop their talk soon.


15. How much is the telephone hill this month more than last month?

A. More than 3 pounds.     B. Less than 3 pounds.        C. 10 pounds.

16. Who do you think Jack is?

A. Their son.      B. One of their friends.        C. The man's secretary.

17. Why did Jack make so many telephone calls to London?

A. His uncle is in London.       B. His girlfriend is in London.

C. His grandfather is in London.


18. What had the speaker done before he wrote the letter?

A. He had played tennis.    B. He had taken some exams.     C. He had fed cats.

19. What can we learn about the weather then?

A. Hot.                  B. Rainy.               C. Warm and sunny.

20.For whom does their family cook buy fish every day?

A.for their cats            B. for their family        C. for themselves



21. The government tried its best to _____ the people’s needs, but the people were still not ______. In fact, what the government did was not______.

A. satisfy; satisfied; satisfying        B. satisfy; satisfying; satisfied

C. satisfied; satisfied; satisfying      D. satisfying; satisfied; satisfied

22. The pencil        which you wrote just now        me.

A.in; belonging to  B. ; is belonging to C. with; belongs to  D. with; is belonged to

23. All   made    possible for China to succeed in carrying on its reforms and open-door policy.

A. what happened; it   B. what happened; that   C. that happened; it  D. that happened; that

24. -----This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

-----Yes, I know him very well. He _____ in Africa with wild animals for eight years.

A. is working      B. had worked      C. worked      D. has been working

25. After I had finished eating, he advise me ______ immediately.

A. set off   B. set aside  C. set down   D. set about

26. Missing the flight means _______ for another three hours.

A. waiting         B. to wait           C. wait            D. to be waiting

27. We arranged to meet at 8:00, but she never ______.

A. turned down          B. turned off             C. turned over              D. turned up

28. When we were young, every evening my brother and I____ stay at home waiting for our mother.

A. would       B. might      C. should       D. could

29. What he said just now_______me of that American professor.

A.mentioned    B.informed    C.reminded     D.memorized

30. We couldn’t trust her for she is always____. Look, she___ some eggs on the table and said these newly- ____ eggs were her own. In fact they were her neighbor’s.

A. lying; lay; laid   B. laying; lied; lain    C. lying; laid; laid D. laying; lay; lain

31. We don’t doubt _____ he will succeed in the research work.

A. that         B. whether           C. how         D. what

32. — Anything new in the new regulations(规则)?      — They will ______ to us all.

A. great benefit      B. do harms      C. do good        D. for the benefit

33. I ______ her, but I never could.

A. ought to help      B. must help      C. must have helped          D. ought to have helped

34. If you ______ go, at least wait until the rain stops.

A. can             B. must              C. should               D. would

35. Coming into the room, I found them ______ at the table, _____ chess.

A. seated; playing    B. seating; playing    C. seat; play    D. seated; played

